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22.01.10, 08:39
What do I need to do to get the modern map locations of farms listed in the rippikijät? I would like to know the location of Paltamo parish, Ristijärvi 9, Väisälä as listed in about year 1770. Other locations are of interest to me also. Please respond in Finnish if that is faster or easier. Thanks for your help.

Larry in South Dakota

Pietari Jörönpoika
22.01.10, 12:22

During late 1800 there has been so called "isojako", for example in Ristijärvi about 186x so names and numbers of farms have been changed in most cases. For example Ristijärvi Väisälä N:9 -> Ristijärvi, Väisälä N:16. These changes can be seen in Ristijärvi rippikirja 1854-65. Farms have been split also very often so it's not very easy to locate those old farms exacly. There is some old (paper) maps where is those old farms. Another way is to use newer maps which has also numbering. At lest so called "peruskartta" has numbering. One way is also to use "Kansalaisen karttapaikka" http://kansalaisen.karttapaikka.fi/kartanhaku/osoitehaku.html?lang=FI
and try to locate farms using names. For example this Ristijärvi, Väisälä can be find from here: http://kansalaisen.karttapaikka.fi/karttalinkki/karttalinkki.html?cx=3550362&cy=7164741&scale=200000&tool=merkitse&lang=FI

This is very short explanation and not complete in any way, but I hope this helps You.

I have also my own study interest in mentioned Väisälä N:9, maybe we have some common ancestors?


22.01.10, 12:58
You may also be interested in old maps that recently became available at http://www.vanhakartta.fi/
The site is in Finnish only, but placing parish name in search box is a straightforward approach.

:) Jaska

22.01.10, 15:42
You may also be interested in old maps that recently became available at http://www.vanhakartta.fi/
The site is in Finnish only, but placing parish name in search box is a straightforward approach.

:) Jaska

Hint: click "Historialliset kartat" (Historical maps) at the top navigation row and place the search term under the word "Karttahaku" (map search). The general search on front page has not produced maps with my tries.

In order to know where a farm was at time X, you need a map from that time and then need to place the mapped area to modern map. By simply finding the same name on modern map will not help.

22.01.10, 15:58
Thanks Kaisa!
Indeed I meant to link directly to: http://www.vanhakartta.fi/historialliset-kartat

:) Jaska

23.01.10, 06:58
Thanks to all for your help.

I have been to the Citizen's Map site and see some familiar names. I did not see the Väisälä name until it was pointed out to me by Pietari. I suspected it was somewhere nearby but did not zoom in enough to see it. Heikki Koskelo 1709 is my 4th great grandfather. I also have Moilanen ancestors.
The old maps are interesting. I did find a map of Laivajärvi near Tornio. I have ancestors in that area. Comparing the old and new maps you can see that the lake has been drained! I did not find any maps for the Ristijärvi or Hyrynsalmi area.

Glad I joined this group.


Pietari Jörönpoika
23.01.10, 07:31

It's easier to find farms by names using search by place names i.e. "search word = Väisälä" and "Municipality = Ristijärvi" than just looking map. http://kansalaisen.karttapaikka.fi/kartanhaku/paikannimihaku.html?cx=3454345&cy=7216161&scale=8000000&tool=siirra&lang=en-GB

Here is some links to old maps and other map info:
http://digi.narc.fi/digi/index.ka?lang=en_US (http://digi.narc.fi/digi/index.ka)

t. Pietari

Pietari Jörönpoika
23.01.10, 18:24

Two useful old map:

http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-200908203690 (http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-200908203690)
http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-200806175487 (http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-200806175487)


24.01.10, 04:29
Thanks Pietari

These are quite useful
