Arkistonäkymässä ei tällä hetkellä lainaus erotu varsinaisesta viestistä. Suosittelemme että vilkaisette ns. täydellistä versiota: : Winter, several persons
Ritva Winter
19.09.07, 14:17
I'm looking for information about cousins of my father. I have failed to find anything in Family Search and other sources.
MIKKO, born Aug 13, 1899 in Pielisjärvi, Carelia.
Left for Rockport, MA, Oct 19, 1912, from Rääkkylä ( Raeaekkylae),
his brothers
EDWARD born July 21, 1887 in Pielisjärvi, to Rockport ?
Erik SAMUEL born June 6, 1885, left for Rockport Sept 10, 1913
Family story has it, that they are growing oranges in California, but no luck in searching there either.
Thanks to anyone who can give information or ideas on where to look!
Ritva Winter
From HisKi I found the following children to Juho Winter and Reetta Muikku
- Anna Kaisa, born Februari 2, 1884
- Erik Samuel, born June 8, 1885
- Edward, born July 21 1887
- Mikko, born August 13 1889
- Juho Joel, born June 3 1893
- Manne, born June 3 1895
Juho Winter and Margareta Turunen
- Juho Joel (probably the other died), born March 10 1898
- Eerikki, born June 10 1899
The family lived in Lieksa number 59 as farmers
Ritva Winter
20.09.07, 20:11
Tack, Karl-Erik!
Som ny användare har jag tydligen missförstått Finlander, min avsikt var att efterlysa 3 av barnen som emigrerat till USA. Sökning i amerikanska källor har inte gett något. Men tusen tack för ditt besvär.
Ritva W
Inga problem, Family search kan kanske hjälpa men inget med säkerhet.
Since it is so long time ago since your request maby you alredy got this information.
But there is a Mikko Winter arriving to New York the 4 of nov 1912. He is coming from Rääkylä but he is born in Pielesjärvi. He´s got his father Juho Winter in Rääkylä. He´s going to Clinton Massachusetts and he got his cousin Taavi Tuourela in Pigeon Cove Massachusetts.
And there is also a Samuel Winter arriving to Boston 24 sept 1913. His father Juho Winter is living in Onkamo Rääkylä. He is going tö his brother Mikko Winter in Pigeon Cove Massachusetts
In the cencus of 1920 there is a Mike Winter born abt 1889 in Finland living in Washington Sullivan New Hampshire as a border and he´s working on a lumber company.
And there is a Edward Winter coming to New york on the 19 of may 1913 .He is born abt 1888 in Finland and he is going to his friend Henric Joccela in Pigeon Cove Massachusets
Maine Military Men 1917-1918 for Mikko Winter
Name Mikko Winter
Birth place Finland
Birth date 13 aug 1889
Residence Redington
Comment Ind;farmington, Franklin Co.Apr.16/18.Private.rejected:May1,1918.
Ritva Winter
14.01.09, 11:22
Tusen tack, kiitoksia, thank you!
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