Arkistonäkymässä ei tällä hetkellä lainaus erotu varsinaisesta viestistä. Suosittelemme että vilkaisette ns. täydellistä versiota: : Jonas Jonasson - from Korsholm - assistance requested
16.07.20, 08:58
I’m attempting to discover more information about a 7th G-Grandfather of mine named Jonas Jonasson. I’ll set out his details below:
Jonas Jonasson (Vakkala - from the farm name on which he resided)
Born – August 13, 1700 in Korsholm, Finland
Married (Carin Ericsdotter) – December 1, 1728 – Kiikka, Finland
Died – April 30, 1738 in Pohjala, Tyrvää, Finland
He was a soldier and farmer in Tyrvää.
His parents were Jonas Jonasson and Elisabet Mattsdotter. In addition to Jonas, they had two more boys in Korsholm. Johan born October 9, 1702 and Carl born January 15, 1705.
I’m not familiar with Korsholm and it does not appear that extensive records are available on HisKi other than what I've set out above.
Any assistance learning more about Jonas’ family in Korsholm and his parentage and background would be much appreciated. Kiitos!
pdale (at) peterdale (dot) com
I think you should find Jonas and Elisabet from Korsholm (= Mustasaari) SAY pages
Mustasaari 1695-1714 there are only 158 pages.
Pekka Sukeva
16.07.20, 21:13
Jonas Jonasson Wackala on sotilaana Porin Jalkaväkirykmentin Everstiluutnantin komppanian Wakkalan ruodun no 74 sotilaana 1725-22.4.1738 (Jonas on kuollut 22.4.1734 ja haudattu 30.4.1738)
Porin jalkaväkirykmentti pääkatselmus 1733-33 k 158 Jonas Jonasson Wakkala 27 v 7½ v palvelusta
pääkatselmus 1737-37 k 129 Jonas Jonasson Wakkala 31 v 11½ v palvelusta
pääkatselmus 1768-68 k 138 Jonas Jonasson Wackala död 22.4.1738.
Korsholman kirjoja löytyy digiarkistosta %B6pta&aynimi=L%C3%A4ngder+%C3%B6ver+f%C3%B6dda+och+d%C3% B6pta+1701-1710&ay=2712908&sartun=317287.KA&atun=165431.KA&ay2=127921
ja siellävoi tutkia kuolleista löytyisikö jotain mainintaa hänen vanhemmistaan
Ilmeisesti Jonas on aloittanut lampuotina Tyrvään Pohjalassa, sillä hän on ollut kuolemaansa saakka sotilaana ruodussa 74.
Hänen vaimonsa Carin Erkintytär mainitaan koko ajan sotilaan leskenä
17.07.20, 08:04
Kiitos Mikko and Pekka!
It will take me a while to work through the records given my unfortunate unilingualism. However, I believe I’ve found:
· Jonas Jonass’ birth here - (August 13, 1700);
· Jonas’ brother Johan’s birth here - (October 9, 1702); and
· Jonas’ brother Carl’s birth here - (January 15, 1705).
His parents’ marriage may be here - (December 26, 1699) although I’m not at all sure about the patronym of Jonas.
I would certainly appreciate any assistance with the translation of the above 4 items.
I’ll keep looking and see if I can find his parents’ respective deaths/burials. Hopefully there will be some information that provides a little insight into this family and whether they moved in or out of Korsholm or were long-time residents of the parish.
Thanks again!
To begin with the easiest, Jonas’ birth:
Dito (d. 13. Aug.) föddes Jonas Jonasson, Christnades ds. Dito af Mag[ister]
Isaac Wasbohm. Fad[er]n Jonas Jonässon, Mod[er]n Lisbeta
Matz d[otte]r.
Mag[ister] Isaac Wasbohm, Jung[fru] Marg[aretha] Cronschiöld
Esajas Groop, Petter Forhell, h[ustru] Maria Hourenia.
The place is stated "i staden" in town = Vaasa, Wasa.
So J.J. was born and christened (baptized) the 13th August by magister I.W.
Father was J.J and mother L. Matz' daughter.
Jonas got five godparents, faddrar.
18.07.20, 08:15
Kiitos Soile! I’ve continued to review the available records and I believe that Jonas Jonasson and Elisabet Mattsd are the same individuals as Jonas Löfgren and Lisabeta Berg who were married in Korsholm on December 26, 1699.
I noted that a Carl Löfgren married a Catharina Andersdotter Holm on December 13, 1726 which would fit well for Jonas and Elisabet’s son Carl. Carl Löfgren also had a son Jonas and daughter Elisabeth.
Can someone please translate the following entries for me?
1. Jonas Löfgren and Lisabeta Berg’s marriage - (December 26, 1699);
2.Johan Jonass’ birth - ( (October 9, 1702); and
3.Carl Jonass’ birth - ( (January 15, 1705).
And kindly let me know what they say and whether they provide any further information on the family? I apologize again for my unilingualism. Many thanks!
Pekka Sukeva
18.07.20, 08:56
Carl Löfgren
Pekka Sukeva
18.07.20, 09:00
Carl Löfgren
18.07.20, 17:43
Thanks Pekka! I saw that item too. I'm hoping someone can please translate the marriage and 2x baptism entries for Jonas Jonasson's parents and siblings, respectively, and, hopefully, they will reveal some additional information about the family. Kiitos!
Pekka Sukeva
19.07.20, 08:56
Katsoin läpi Waasan kaupungin tositekirjoja
Pohjanmaan läänin tilejä tositekirja 1702-02
Jonas Löfgren hu Lisa kuva 1433
Jonas Ersson hu Lisa kuva 1432
1705-05 kuva 2100 Jonas Ersson hu Lisa
kuva 2102 Jonas Löfgren hu Lisa
1709-09 kuva 49 Jonas Löfgren hu Lisa
1723-23 k 302 Jonas Löfgren hu Lisa
Waasasta ei löydy näiltä vuosilta kertaakaan Jonas Jonasson hu Lisa mainintaa.
Ilmeisesti Jonas Löfgren ja hu Lisa ovat 13.8.1700 syntyneen Konaksen vanhemmat.
Nyt pitäisi hakea Korsholmasta Jonaksen ja Lisan vanhemmat. Korsholman kirjoissa ei ole merkitty sukunimiä talollisille, joten voi olla aika vaikeaa löytää oikeat henkilöt. Ehkä Korsholman paremmin tuntevat voisivat valaista asiaa??
(Onko mitään todistetta sille olettamukselle, että Tyrväällä kuollut Jonas Wakkala on kotoisin Korsholmasta??)
In my view the jury is still out concerning the parents of Jonas Jonasson Vakka. In the military inspection protocol of 1733 Jonas is inscribed as 27 years old and originating from the province of Pori. Admittedly the age and provenance inscriptions of the military documents are not very reliable.
Unless the whereabouts of Jonas can be ascertained between his birth and his arrival in Kiikka, questions remain, although the combination of Jonas as both father and son is rare. Jonas from Vaasa is a good candidate.
Pekka Ojanen
Pekka Sukeva
19.07.20, 11:16
Papin mukaan Jonas Wakka on kuollessan 36-vuotias eli syntynyt noin 1702
Tyrvää - haudatut
Haetaan vuodet 1730 - 1740
Etunimi: JONAS => Jonas
Kuollut Haudattu Kylä Talo Henkilö Kuolinsyy vv kk vko pv ( 19.2.1738 Pohjala son Jonas 1 6
omainen: Lb. Jonas Jonassons ( 30.4.1738 Pohjala Lb. Jonas Wacka 36
Pekka Sukeva
20.07.20, 18:43
Jonas Jonasson Wackala on otettu palvelukseen 29.3.1726
Porin jalkaväkirykmentti pääkatselmus 1702-28 k 226
Jonas Jonasson Wackala 22 v 2½v palvelusta
22.07.20, 06:13
Thanks again Pekka! I have not yet discovered confirmation that the Jonas Jonasson, soldier in Tyrvää, was from Korsholm. However, I am very curious if the 3 entries below (his proposed parent's marriage and brothers' baptisms) provide any interesting information. Can someone please translate these for me? Many thanks! Cheers, Pete
1. Jonas Löfgren and Lisabeta Berg’s marriage - (December 26, 1699);
2.Johan Jonass’ birth - (October 9, 1702); and
3.Carl Jonass’ birth - (January 15, 1705).
The christening notices are very similar.
On 9 October was born Joh:, Christened on ? by ? Dean G. Biugg in the town.
Father Jonas Jönson, Mother Elisabet Mattz:dr
Three male and three female witnesses (godparents). The first witness is the Burgomaster, but I'm not sure of his name.
On 15 January was born Carl, Christened on the 17th by ? Dean G.B. in the town.
Father Jonas Jönsson, Mother Lijsa Mattz:dr
Witnesses as above
The title of Dean (Probsten) Biugg is preceded by an abbreviation, possibly "gl" i.e. the old Dean. In Hiski his name is spelled "Jöran Arvidi Biugg", but Jöran can also be written Göran.
HisKi has both births, there Johan is said to be christened on the 11th.
22.07.20, 19:59
Many thanks Michael. Can you also kindly let me know what the marriage entry states?
Jonas Löfgren and Lisabeta Berg’s marriage - (December 26, 1699.
On 9 October was born Joh:, Christened on ? by ? Dean G. Biugg in the town.
The first witness is the Burgomaster, but I'm not sure of his name.
I read: Joh. Christened 11 dito, af H[err] Probsten G.B. in town.
The first wittness: H[err] Borgm[ästare] Eckenbom.
The marriage notices usually start with the word "wigde" followed by the name or title of the clergyman, i.e. so-and-so married (the following). In this case the first word is something else although "wigde" is found in the second line. HisKi has the names as "Jonas Löffgren" and "Lisabeta Berg", both from Kårsholm (alternate, archaic spelling). I'd say the names are those.
The last word of the second line "Crono" means crown, and might mean that the bride wore one - it is also found in other notices. But I can't guess the first words in both lines. The Dean did the marriage.
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