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04.07.20, 22:45
Palkkasoturi ja kenraalimajuri Samuel Cockburnin taustaa on tälläkin foorumilla pohdittu.

Samuel Cockburn, tunnetaan myös nimellä Samuel Cobron, (n. 1574 Skotlanti – 1621 Latvia) oli skotlantilainen kenraalimajuri ja palkkasotilas, joka taisteli ruotsalaisissa sotajoukoissa.
Itsestään sukunimeä Cobron käyttänyt Cockburn saapui Ruotsiin vuonna 1598 usean muun skottilaisen upseerin kanssa. Hän osallistui Ruotsin sisällissotana tunnettuun Sigismundin ja Kaarlen valtataisteluun, Inkerin sotaan sekä Puolan sotaan Liivinmaalla vuonna 1621.
Tavastin kappelin eteläisellä seinällä on epitafi, jota koristaa vaakuna. Siinä on latinankielinen muistokirjoitus:
(jossa mainitaan:)
Ioan frater moerens posuit
Veli John pystytti surren

Veli on siis ollut jo yleisessä tiedossa ja joissakin lähteissä hänet mainitaan nimellä John (tai Johan) Cockburn.

Nyt törmäsin Turun raastuvanoikeuden juttuun, jossa mainitaan Samuel Cockburn ja hänen veljensä. Kirjoitan tähän vain osia:

TRO 1633 16/1

Daved Juncken
Jacob Wolle
Dauedh Juncken fulmechtigh giorde uthaf M. Johan Klapartun i Skåttlandh --- som Dauedh Juncken M: Johan Klapertons fulmechtige ifrå Skåtlandh, uthaf ehrligh och wälförståndigh Jacob Wolle bårgare och inwånare här i Åbo påfordrar, huilken samma M. Johan, effter hans S: broder förbe:te öfwersten Samuell Kobrand honom till arfz fallen ähr --- Här i rätten inlagt står förmält och Wälbördigh Capitan Robort Walas, som han sielf här för rätten bekende, effter Wälb: fru Barbru Keneerts wilia och begäran för den grijffsteen M: Johan på sin S: broders graff, af sin egen frija wilia ifrå Skåtlandh och hijtt till Åbo dom kyrckia att förskaffa låfuadt och tilsagt hadhe. ---

Veli on siis maisteri Johan Klapartun / Klaperton Skotlannista. Jutussa mainittu rouva Barbru Keneert on varmastikin Samuelin tunnettu toinen vaimo ja leski Barbro omaa sukuaan Kinnaird.

Nämä mainitaan täällä:

He was buried in 1622 in Abo Minster under a magnificent monument erected by his "frater", M. Johan Klaparton, who started a law suit through an agent to claims his estate. On the monument there can be read: "You lived bravely, but died cruelly. Mars and Minerva rest with you in the same grave. Never have Sweden and Scotland had more sorrowful — or Poland more welcome — (news)."
Cobron was first married to one Kristina (mentioned 1614) and later to Barbro, née Kinnaird, widow since 1606 of Willem Ogilvie, a Swedish colonel. He never signed himself Cockburn.

Jostain syystä kuitenkaan oikein missään ei mainita Samuelin veljeksi maisteri / minister Johan Klapartonia, vaikka se näistä käy selvästi ilmi.

Googlailin nimeä Klaperton ja Cockburn. Päädyin toteamaan, että kyseessä on Clapperton-suku. Siitä googlailemalla pääsin eteenpäin:


Fasti ecclesiæ scoticanæ; the succession of ministers in the Church of Scotland from the reformation (1917)

(teksti on valitettavasti automaattisesti digitoitua ja siten täynnä kirjoitusvirheitä)

COLDSTREAM, fokmerly

[A priory of Cistercian nuns was founded
at Coldstream in 1125, by Gospatrick, third
Earl of Dunbar. To it belonged the Parish
Kirk of Lennel and the chapels of the
Hirsel and St Mary's, Bassendean (in West-
ruther). This convent was destroyed by the
English in 1 545. Its lands were afterwards
alienated by royal grants. The church of
Lennel was dedicated by Bishop David de
Bernham, 31st March 1243. The chapel
of the Hirsel disappeared before 1627,
and was never afterwards rebuilt. The
church of Lennel, of twelfth-century work,
was for long the parish church. In 1705,
because the building was ruinous and too
small, a new church was erected at Cold-
stream by Charles, Earl of Home. The
Earl of Haddington and Ker of Graden in
the Merse repaired the old church at Lennel
and removed the stone roof, but in 1718 the
new building in Coldstream was declared
the parish church. A new church was
erected in 1909.]

JOHN CLAPPERTON, a native of the
county, was in 1570 exhorter at
Livingston ; trans, to llutton in
1571 : trans, and adm. in 1576, when
Siniiirin also was in the charge ; app. by
the ( ieneral Assembly that year as Visitor
of Merse and Lammermuir : this was
several times renewed; in 15S3 his dis-
trict extended from the Forth to Herwick.
He was apprehended, 25th May 1584, by
two archers of the Guard, and taken to
Edinburgh. He was charged, 7th Dec.
following, with not giving obedience to
his Ordinary, and was one of those who
signed an address to the King on that
matter. At the A.ssembly, 1586, he
dis.sented against annulling the sentence
which had been passed upon Archbishop
Adamson. While acting as one of the
C'onimLssioners of the Assembly at Edin-
burgh, he was ordered by His Majesty,
24th Nov. 1596, to leave within twenty-four
hours and attend his congregation. By
the Assembly, 1606, he was appointed con-
stant Moderator of the Pre.sb., which was
enjoined by the Privy Council, 17th Jan.
thereafter, to receive him as such within
twenty-four hours after notice, under pain
of rebellion. Charged by the Synod to
demit that office, he did so, for which he
was called before the Privy Council, where
he expressed his readiness to accept it
of new. After this he appears to have
been wholly submissive to the measures
of the Court. He died in 1617. He was
a member of at least sixteen General
Assemblies. Calderwood says of him,
"The man was ambitious, and readie to
embrace any preferment." He marr. (1)
1574, Joanna Spence, Chirnside, and had
issue — Samuel Spence, colonel of horse
under Giistavus Adolphus, and Governor
of Finland, born 1576, died at Womer,
1622 ; Christian, born 1580 (marr. 1600,
Alexander Lauder of Gunsgreen) ; Anne,
bapt. at East Nisbet Chapel, 1585 (marr.
1604, Robert Brounfield of Tc<lridge) ; Mar-
garet, Ijom 1589 (marr. 1610. Robert
Lauder, W.S., Edinburgh) ; Elspeth, born
1592 (marr. 1613, Patrick Craw of Heug-
head) : John, niin. of Ednam ; George,
born 1598: (2) 1611, Barbara Seton of
Nottridge, near Ifaddington, ami had
issue— William, min. of ColdstreJim ; Pat-
rick, born 1615. His widow survived him
and marr. secondly, Andrew Ramsiiy. min.
of Eyemouth, and thirdly, John Poole in
Tn\mnt). — [I{e./. Afsi,,.: l{e,i. of D<Hh,
xxxi., xxxvi. ; Rcj. I'riri/ C'ounr. : .Si
Aii'lreifs St/n. (iml Test. Reijs. ; liooke of
the Kirk : Calderwood's 1/ist., iv., 72 ;
Pitcaim's C/i'wi. Truth, ii. ; Iiuj. Bet. Gen.,
1097 ; Refj. of Deed*, ccccx., 370 ; (1. R.
Inhih., lOth Dec. 1617 ; Acts ami De.:,
cccxxxii., 372.]

Tästä löytyy osa puhtaaksi kirjoitettuna täältä:


CLAPPERTON, John Minister of Coldstream, Reverend Mr 1
Born: About 1550
Marriage (1): SPENCE, Joanna in 1574 1
Died: 1617 1
General Notes:

(at Coldstream in 1576)
"JOHN CLAPPERTON, a native of the county, was in 1570 exhorter at Livingston; trans, to Hutton in 1571: trans. and adm. in 1576, when Simprin also was in the charge; app. by the General Assembly that year as Visitor of Merse and Lammermuir: this was several times renewed: in 1583 his district extended from the Forth to Berwick, he was apprehended, 25th May 1584, by two archers of the Guard, and taken to Edinburgh. He was charged, 7th Dec. following, with not giving obedience to his Ordinary, and was one of those who signed an address to the King on that matter. At the Assembly, 1586, he dissented against annulling the sentence which had been passed upon Archbishop Adamson. While acting as one of the
Commissioners of the Assembly at Edinburgh, he was ordered by His Majesty, 24th Nov. 1576, to leave within twenty-four
hours and attend his congregation. By the Assembly, 1586, he was appointed constant Moderator of the Presb., which was
enjoined by the Privy Council, 17th Jan. thereafter, to receive him as such within twenty-four hours after notice, under pain
of rebellion. Charged by the Synod to demit that office, he did so, for which he was called before the Privy Council, where
he expressed his readiness to accept it of new. After this he appears to have been wholly submissive to the measures of the Court. He died in 1617. He was a member of at least sixteen General Assemblies. Calderwood says of him, 'The man was ambitious, and readie to embrace any preferment.' He marr. (1) 1574, Joanna Spence, Chirnside, and had issue Samuel Spence, colonel of horse under Gustavus Adolphus, and Governor of Finland, born 1570, died at Womer, 1622; Christian, born 1580 (marr. 1600, Alexander Lauder of Gunsgreen); Anne, bapt. at East Nisbet Chape], 1585 (marr 1604, Robert Brounfield of Todridge); Margaret, born 1589 (marr. 1610, Robert Lauder, W.S., Edinburgh); Elspeth, born 1592 (marr. 1613, Patrick Craw of Heughead); John, min. of Ednam; George, born 1598 : (-2) 1611, Barbara Seton of Nottridge, near Haddington, and had issue William, min. of Coldstream; Patrick, born 1615. His widow survived him and marr. secondly, Andrew Ramsay, min. of Eyemouth, and thirdly, John Poole in Tranent)."

from Fasti Ecclesiae 1

John married Joanna SPENCE in 1574.1 (Joanna SPENCE was born about 1555.)

Tuossa siis selvästi mainitaan, että John Clapperton avioitui 1574 Joanna Spencen kanssa ja heillä oli monta lasta, joiden joukossa Kustaa Adolfin eversti Samuel ja Ednamin ministeri (eli pastori) John. Juuri samat henkilöt, jotka mainitaan tuossa Turun raastuvanoikeuden jutussa. Tässä huomauttaisin myös, että skottien sotajoukoissa Samuel Cobronin kanssa oli eräs James Spens. Saattaa olla tuon Samuelin äidin Joanna Spencen sukua.

Isä John Clappertonin sanotaan olevan syntyjään Coldstreamin maakunnasta.

Coldstream (Scottish Gaelic: An Sruthan Fuar, Scots: Caustrim) is a town and civil parish in the Scottish Borders area of Scotland. A former burgh, Coldstream is the home of the Coldstream Guards, a regiment in the British Army. ---

Täällä mainitaan Samuel Cockburn nimellä Samuel Spence Clapperton:

Samuel Spence Clapperton was born 1576 in Coldstream, Berwickshire, the son of Reverend John Clapperton and his wife Joanna Spence, a Colonel of Horse under Gustavus Adolphus, late Governor of Finland. Clapperton died in Womar during 1622.

Hieman Clapperton-suvusta:

The earliest origins of the name Clapperton date back to the time of the Anglo-Saxons. The name is derived from Osgoode Clapa a nobleman of Danish or Saxon origin. As a man of noble worth he attended the Court of King Cnut. Another possible origin of the surname Clapperton may be an extension of the Old English Clop which meant lump. It was often applied as a nickname to someone who was large and ungainly. It was adopted in England as a surname only after the Norman Conquest of 1066.


Googlailin aika paljon enkä löytänyt mistään mainintaa nimenomaan Samuel Cockburnin vanhemmista. Saattaa olla, että se on ollut tiedossa ja ehkä jonkun teistäkin tiedossa, mutta netistä sitä tietoa ei suoraan löydy. Voi olla, että tämä nimi Clapperton on eksyttänyt monta etsijää eikä lankoja ole osattu yhdistää.

05.07.20, 00:27
Bidrag ur Åbo Stads Dombok -kirjoista löytyy useita juttuja 1630-luvulta koskien Samuel Cobronin perintöä. Tässä vielä pari jotka löysin itsekin ilman noita kirjoja, jotka hyllystä löytyvät:

TRO 1632 1/12

Wälborne her Johan Delagardies tienare och fulmechtige Bengt Olfosson effter sin medgifuin fulmachts lijdelse kärde till Jacob Wolle om den -2000 dlr Swenska, som af S: Kobrantz arff hos Jacob Woll opfart ähr, derföre som både hans härligheet her Johan så wäll som Jacob Wolle CAVERAT hague, och Jacob Woll den långo sedan hade bordh arfwingaren N. M: Johannes Kobronius och andre hans medarfningar tilhanda lefwerera, huilcket ännu intet effterkommitt ähr, uthan hans H:t her Johan, uthaf bem:t arfningars fulmechtige Wellam Stärlingh, derföre anheller och krafd blifuer. Jacob Wolle igenom sin fulmechtige Jacob Uggleby, begierade DILATION om näst Rådstugudagh, här till att schrifteligen swara.

Kuka on Johannes Kobronius? Varmaankin Samuel Cobronin poika, mutta tuolla nimellä häntä ei löydy oikein mistään. Vai onko kyseessä ylempänä mainittu Samuelin veli Ednamin pastori John Clapperton?

TRO 1633 9/1

Om S: Kobrantz arff
Samma gången trädde och fram för rätte Dauedh Juncken, fulmechtigh giordt uthaf M: Johan Klaparton ifrån Edenborgh i Skåttlandh till att spöria effter S: Kobrantz arff uthaf Jacob Wolle N. -3000 dlr Swenska, som någre wälborne herrar af rijksens rådh sampt med Jacob Wolle före CAVERAT hafue ---

Tuossa on nyt tarkennus, että veli John Clapperton oli Edinburgista. Edinburg ei tainnut kuulua Coldstreamin maakuntaan, josta isä John oli kotoisin, mutta oli suurin kaupunki lähistöllä ja lähteiden mukaan isä John vaikutti myöhemmin siellä päin.

08.07.20, 00:27
Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, Nide 11
Tekijät John McClintock
https://books.google.fi/books?id=0wvLHeiXEJcC&pg=PA958&lpg=PA958&dq=clapperton+clapp&source=bl&ots=yOatSnuwA0&sig=ACfU3U3et-TawcmqJ1tUlVGbEUeULY5FEA&hl=fi&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiVutfdjbzqAhUOHHcKHXn8C0kQ6AEwAXoECAsQA Q#v=onepage&q=clapperton%20clapp&f=false

Clapperton, John (1), a Scotch clergyman, was appointed, in 1570, the first minister of the Reformed faith at Livingston, and was transferred to Hutton in 1571 as the first Protestant minister at that place. He was a member of the convention at Leith in 1572. In 1574 three other places were added to his charge. He was transferred to Lenuel (now Coldstream) in 1576; appointed visitor or Merce and Lammermuir several times, and in 1583 was visitor from Forth to Berwick. In 1584 he was arrested and taken to Edinburgh for not giving obedience to his Ordinary. He was chosen constant moderator of the presbytery in 1606, but the synod required him to resign that office. He was a member of sixteen general assemblies, and died in 1617. Calderwood says, "He was ambitious, and ready to embrace any preferment." See Fasti Eccles. Scoticanae, i, 192, 432, 440.

Clapperton, John (2), a Scotch clergyman, son of the foregoing, took his degree at Edinburgh University in 1615; was presented to the living of Ednam in 1617; in 1620 was permitted to transfer to the next adjoining presbytery; was deposed before 1641, and died before Aug.25, 1655. See Fasti Eccles. Scoticanae, i, 459.

Clapperton, John (3), a Scotch clergyman, took his degree at Edinburgh University in 1642; was presented to the living at Yetholm in 1662; resigned in 1666; was transferred to Yarrow the same year, and died in 1679, aged about fifty-seven years. See Fasti Eccles. Scoticanae, i, 476, 563.

08.07.20, 00:37
A dictionary of English and Welsh surnames
Tekijät Ch. W. E. Bardsley
https://books.google.fi/books?id=GkAHAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA183&lpg=PA183&dq=clapperton+clapp&source=bl&ots=FbCxYht3Pi&sig=ACfU3U0-jAQ5EzZA3uLdjRUldV0lsIP0fw&hl=fi&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiVutfdjbzqAhUOHHcKHXn8C0kQ6AEwA3oECAkQA Q#v=onepage&q=clapperton%20clapp&f=false

Clapp, Clapson, Clapison -
Bapt. "the son of Clap" or "Clop". "An early Danish surname, Osgod Clapa was a Danish noble at the court of Canute. From him it is supposed that Claphan, co. Surrey, where he had a country hose, derives its name" (Lower, quoting Ferguson). As Mr. Lower adds, no doubt such surnames as Clapp and Clapson, and such local names as Clapton, Clapham, Clapcote, Clapperton, and Clapshaw, get their parentage from some early Clap.


Clapton, Clapperton. - Loc. (1) "of Clapton," parishes in cos. Cambridge, Gloucester, Middlesex, Northampton, and Somerset ; (2) "of Clopton," in co. Suffolk, four miles from Woodbridge. Clapperton is an amplification ; cf. Greenaway and Ottoway for Greenway and Otway. The origin is plainly the town of Clap or Clop ; v. Clapham and Clapp.

08.07.20, 00:53

Osgod Clapa (died 1054), also Osgot, was a nobleman in Anglo-Saxon England during the reigns of Kings Cnut the Great, Harold Harefoot, Harthacnut, and Edward the Confessor. His name comes from the Old Danish Asgot, the byname Clapa meaning coarse, or rough, in Old English. He was a major landowner in East Anglia during a period in which no Ealdorman was appointed to the region. He held the post of staller, that is constable or master of the royal stables. In 1046 he was banished, and in 1054 he died.

--- etc.