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Can someone read what these record notes say?
I am trying to follow this person through the records and they seem to have a lot written about them.
Here is a link for one of them:
Thank you
eeva häkkinen
16.06.20, 22:36
Cannot see every word (old eyes), but the 4. column (kommen ifrån = came from) says Willmanstrand (Lappeenranta in Finnish, a town i Eastern Finland) 18/10 1862. In the first column of the right page "ifrån 18/10 1860 till 18/10 1862 å tukthus i Willmanstrand" (from (date) to (date) in correctional institute of Lappeenranta (there was a "work prison" for women where they mostly did handiwork like spinning yarn). The reason can be seen at the end of the line: Hiding a foetus. The only possible online sources are "Brottmåls bok" - the book where the parish priest logged any criminal sentences the parishioners got in the court, in case it is digitized for the parish and/or the Legal Departement of the Senate, some of its material can be found here:
Thank you so much!
The woman, Agneta, had a child outside of marriage in 1864 with no father recorded. Her descendants are related through DNA so I am trying to find the connection between my family and hers.
My 2nd Great-Uncle was at the same torp with her in 1859 before this event. They both left the island on the same day.
With your help, I think I have the father for the 1864 birth!
Cannot see every word (old eyes), but the 4. column (kommen ifrån = came from) says Willmanstrand (Lappeenranta in Finnish, a town i Eastern Finland) 18/10 1862. In the first column of the right page "ifrån 18/10 1860 till 18/10 1862 å tukthus i Willmanstrand" (from (date) to (date) in correctional institute of Lappeenranta (there was a "work prison" for women where they mostly did handiwork like spinning yarn). The reason can be seen at the end of the line: Hiding a foetus. The only possible online sources are "Brottmåls bok" - the book where the parish priest logged any criminal sentences the parishioners got in the court, in case it is digitized for the parish and/or the Legal Departement of the Senate, some of its material can be found here:
The same woman, different notation. Can anyone hep with translation?
and this one for a son Isak Sundström, who disappeared from the Kirjais Södergård record around the time when his mother died.
The comment reads "säges vara förrymd"
i.e. "said to have escaped" or "said to be a runaway"
Thank you Michael. Interesting.
Hi there,
The other notation about Agneta reads in Swedish as follows: Häktad för angivelse om fosters läggande å lönn.
In other words, it refers to the same incident as the first notation: Imprisoned for indicated hiding of a foetus.
In addition, there's a referral to the criminal records (Brottsmålsförteckning) number 126.
Kind regards,
In addition,
Regarding Isak Sundström, there is a referral to the next book page 481.
There it says that he has been abroad for many years (på utrikes ort sedan många år), but that he returned 1892 to Nauvo and more precisely to Qviflax Norrgård (page 339).
Here are the prison preacher's notes written on the release from the Vilmanstrand prison of Agneta Ericsdottar. I would appreciate if someone could translate them for me.
Thank you Kiitos.
Rob kisto&sarnimi=Vankilasaarnaajan+antamien+todistusten+ja+ kirjelmien+toisteet&aynimi=Vankilasaarnaajan+antamien+todistusten+ja+k irjelmien+toisteet+1835-1881&ay=1413157&sartun=191308.KA&atun=314459.KA&ay2=247171
Jouni Kaleva
29.06.20, 07:09
Spinner woman Agneta Eriksdotter from Nagu (Nauvo in Finnish) in Åbo (Turku in Finnish) province, sentenced 18.10.1860 into this local Correctional Institute (Tukthus) for a term of 2 years labor for causing a fetal death, was born on 25.1.1838, has with serious knowledge of christianity received the Eucharist and has always conducted herself silently without complaint.
A birth record for a related person Karl August. If someone could be so kind as to translate it please.
Jouni Kaleva
05.07.20, 08:57
Hi Brentwood
The Thumbnail picture, which you attached, was against the rules of the source organization SSHY. Therefore I removed it. The mere link to the same is OK.
Jouni Kaleva
Forum moderator
Karl August illegitimate child of loose woman Agneta Eriksdotter (daughter of Erik) from Bergman Westgård
Loose woman is something like a woman who has kids without being married
Jouni Kaleva
05.07.20, 09:23
A birth record for a related person Karl August. If someone could be so kind as to translate it please.
Heading: Tillägg = Addition
Karl August (oäkta = illegitimate)
Mother: past farmer's daughter, (L.q. = lösa qvinna = "loose female") Agneta Eriksdotter from Bergham Westergård.
The child was given an emergency baptism by fisherman Karl Anderson.
Followed by a list of godparents.
The location is "Berghamn" which is a small rocky island south of Nagu proper. You can find it on Google Earth with "Nagu Berghamn" or "Nauvo Berghamn".
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