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Arkistonäkymässä ei tällä hetkellä lainaus erotu varsinaisesta viestistä. Suosittelemme että vilkaisette ns. täydellistä versiota: : Henrik Henriksen Kora/Kohre

24.07.08, 10:32

Excuse me for writing english, but I can't write either swedish or finnish and I'm not sure what you feel about me writing in norwegian.

I'm looking for a man called (in norwegian sources) Henrik Henriksen Kora, who comes from Finland, one place it is mentioned Ylli Raumaafinland, born aproximently 1809 or so.

I have found him married in Finland, on the 19th November 1836 in Nedertorneå - Alatornio with Lisa Greta Hendriksen Kannainen. He is there called Henrik Henriksen Kohre.

I have tried searching for his birth, and have found someone called Henrica born 10/4 1811 in Nedertoneå - Alatornio with parents Henric Kohre and Helena Johansdr.

Then comes my question. Can Henrica be a male name in Finland or have a found the wrong person? Can anyone please help me? Anything that can help me along would be greatly appreciated.

If you feel more comfortable writing in sweedish I read that too, but can't write it myself.

24.07.08, 11:18
Henrica is female name in Finland, not male.

Mika J

24.07.08, 12:08
Thank you for answering. I suspected that is was a girls name, but names can be spelled in so many ways all over the world so I had to check.

Since it probably is a girl I have found, is there anyone who can help me find the right Henrik, or maybe check the original churchbook and see how the name is spelled there?

And another question. In a churchbook containing weddings. Would the name of the father of the bride and groom be mentioned when they got married? If so, is there anyone who has a chanse to look up the wedding and tell me the parents/fathers name?

24.07.08, 12:53

I suppose I found your Henric -->

He was born 2.2.1799 and his parents were Henric Larsson Core (born 1765) and Eva Michelsdotter Luttu (born 1773). Henric and Eva married 12.1.1794 in Över-Raumo.

In wedding catalog you can not find bride's parents, but now you know the bride's birthday and surname.
Wedding catalog -->
In wedding catalog Henric's surname was spelled as Kohre.

24.07.08, 13:12
I think, this is what you are looking for, maybe.
Alatornio rippikirja, 1829-1837 IK205-206 AI:14 :15 :16 Kuva 419
Alatornio rippikirja, 1800-1818 IK204 AI:8, 9, 10 Kuva 337
Alatornio syntyneet, 1800-1813 IK209 Kuva 254
Alatornio vihityt, 1814-1845 IK211 EII:2 Kuva 52

24.07.08, 13:14

I suppose I found your Henric -->

He was born 2.2.1799 and his parents were Henric Larsson Core (born 1765) and Eva Michelsdotter Luttu (born 1773). Henric and Eva married 12.1.1794 in Över-Raumo.

In wedding catalog you can not find bride's parents, but now you know the bride's birthday and surname.
Wedding catalog -->
In wedding catalog Henric's surname was spelled as Kohre.

This Henric 2.2.1799 died 27.2.1799

24.07.08, 13:16

thanks for corrections.

I wonder why Henric (born 2.2.1799 and died 27.2.1799) besides in rippikirja?

Mika J

24.07.08, 13:24
I think, this is what you are looking for, maybe.
Alatornio rippikirja, 1829-1837 IK205-206 AI:14 :15 :16 Kuva 419
Alatornio rippikirja, 1800-1818 IK204 AI:8, 9, 10 Kuva 337
Alatornio syntyneet, 1800-1813 IK209 Kuva 254
Alatornio vihityt, 1814-1845 IK211 EII:2 Kuva 52

I'm unable to view these pages, they say I need a password to access them. Do you have any other way of telling me what it says on these pages?

24.07.08, 13:30

Arkistot ->Kirkonkirjat->Alatornio

24.07.08, 13:36
I suppose, Henrik Henriksson Kohre's (born 1812) father was same Henric Larsson Core (born 1765). Henric Larsson married 6.5.1804 with Maria Aronsdotter Anttila.
Henric's first wife Eva Michelsdotter died 29.7.1803.

Mika J

24.07.08, 13:42
Olet Mika aivan oikeassa. Se näkyy tuossa kuvassa 337.:)

24.07.08, 13:45
Olisiko tämä 1799 syntynyt Henric kuollut lapsena (kuten kirjoititkin), ja perheeseen kastettu uusi Henric 1812?
Ihmetyttää vain, että miksi kuukauden ikäisenä kuollut lapsi on rippikirjoissa

Mika J

24.07.08, 13:48
Thanks a lot to both of you! I wouldn't have found him without this help! :)

24.07.08, 13:49
Kyllä se 1799 syntynyt Henric kuoli ihan pienenä, katso kuvan 337 oikea reuna ja sitten tuo syntyneet 1812. Tuossa kuvassa 337 näkyy 1812 syntynyt Henric, tosin kovin suttuinen tuo kohta, mutta alussa on sana gemini, Henrikhän oli kaksosena syntynyt.

24.07.08, 13:53

enpä älynny katella sivun oikeaan reunaan.
Ja se Maria Aronsdotterikin näkyy olevan.

Mika J

Juhani Mäkitalo
29.08.08, 20:47
Vielä lisäyksenä, kun tätä jälkikäteen katselen. V. 1800 kirja tässä ei ole varsinainen rippikirja (communionbok)

vaan kinkerikuulustelukirja (förhörsbok) ja siinä
ovat kaikki henkilöt heti syntymästään alkaen.
Nämä eri kirjalajit olisi tullut pitää tarkasti erillään hakemistoissakin, mutta
kun ei. Surkea esitys koko Alatornion hakemisto muutenkin.

Muuten aivan oikeat päätelmät. Hiskistä puuttuu toinen kaksonen eli Henrik,
se tahtoi tässä hämätä.


29.08.08, 21:44
Maybe all of these replies in finnish is only chit-chat, but if not, could someone please translate the important things to english or sweedish? :confused:

Juhani Mäkitalo
29.08.08, 22:11
Hej, det är ingen skit här. Jag bara kommenterade några som svarat Dig,
ingenting nytt. Vi kan väl prata ochså finska här ?
Har Du ännu någonting att fråga om Chore eller Kanniainen ?

Mvh. JM.