Arkistonäkymässä ei tällä hetkellä lainaus erotu varsinaisesta viestistä. Suosittelemme että vilkaisette ns. täydellistä versiota: : Enni Jalo fd Kangas (mahdotonta löytää?)

27.11.15, 12:39
Hello all Finnish genealogists,

I'm helping a friend finding her Finnish roots and since I'm from Sweden I'll post this message in English and Swedish (and some Finnish words), I hope that's okay? Otherwise admin can delete this question.

I'm totally new when it comes to genealogy in Finland and I need help or advise how to proceed with this quite special/different question:

My friend never met her father and the only information she has is the name of her grandfather (isoisä), grandmother (isoäiti) and both their parents names. No birthyears or places. But given that my friend is around 30 years old these induviduals should be born during during the 20th century or late 19th century.

Is there any way to, based on only the names bellow narrow down the search and find my friends fathers relatives? All help is much appreciated!

Grandfather: Erkki Jussila (Erkki has a sister named: Solle Jussila)
Grandmother: Enni Jalo fd Kangas

Grandfathers father: Vilho
Grandfathers mother: Rauha
Grandmothers father: Willjam Aleksadner Kangas
Grandmothers mother: Lydia Kangas Pertturen

I've tried to search hiski.genealogia.fi on all parishes and the above name combinations without success, but it could be just be me being unexperienced with Finnish genealogy.

All help or advice on this question is much appreciated!

Jonas Öhlund
Stockholm, Sweden

------ message in swedish ------

Hej alla ni som har kompetens inom finsk släktforskning!

Jag är helt grön på att forska i Finland och känner att jag inte vet hur jag ska attackera nedanstående problem:

Jag hjälper en bekant att spåra sina finska rötter där allt den bekanta har är namnet på hennes farmor och farfar samt deras respektive föräldrars namn. Geografiskt vet hon enbart att dessa ska ha bott någonstans i Finland och några årtal har hon inte (och det finns ingen vid liv att fråga). Sannolikt rör det sig om 1800-talet för den äldre generationen medan den yngre av de två generationerna sannolikt överlappar eller befinner sig helt på 1900-talet. Detta givet att hon jag hjälper är runt 30 år.

Detta är känt:

Farmor: Enni Jalo fd Kangas
Farfar: Erkki Jussila (som ska ha en syster vid namnet: Solle Jussila)

Farmors mor: Lydia Kangas Pertturen
Farmors far: Willjam Aleksadner Kangas
Farfars far: Vilho
Farfars mor: Rauha

Jag har försökt söka på alla "socknar" genom hiski.genealogia.fi och där sökt efter dessa personer i vigsel och födelseböcker. Jag tycker att jag testat en mängd olika kombinationer och stavningar, exempelvis om det finns något par med namnet Lydia och Willjam som gifts sig, men det har varit helt fruktlöst.

Samtidigt tycker jag att det inte bör vara helt omöjligt att finna denna familj givet att så många namn i flera generationer finns? Jag efterlyser mer info om denna familj men inte minst allmän info om hur jag metodiskt bör gå tillväga för att finna dem!? Vad jag förstått kan man få geografiska ledtrådar från finska anors efternamn då man ofta tog gårdsnamnet som efternamn? Det jag inte riktigt hänger med på är sekretessgränserna, någonstans står det 125 år? Men för medlemmar gäller inte detta osv?

All hjälp mottages tacksamt!

Jonas Öhlund
Stockholm, Sweden

Tuula Cu
27.11.15, 14:29
You do not find these people in Hiski because they are too "fresh".
Hiski contains mostly information before 1850 (and there are also some parishes missing partly), some information in some parishes in the late 19th century and very little after 1900.

So Hiski is not usable in this case. And as you do not know the parish grandfather was born, it is not easy to find these persons.

You do not find digitized churchbooks under 125 years but 1) you can visit the archives (Åbo and Helsingfors nearest to you) and ask for a permit to look at "younger" books - if they have them, 2) you can join a group which has digitized fresher books (but not all yet). Basically the situation is very varied now in Finland varied, many fresher church books still belong to the parish only, and you can order research from them with money and time. But for any of these choices you first have to know the age, at least approximately, and the parish or parishes!
Arkivverket: http://www.arkisto.fi/sv/tjanster/sukututkijoille-2, digitized books of Arkivverket with index: http://sv.digihakemisto.appspot.com/ and
the group of digitizers, FSHF: http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/index_sve.htm

The family names Kangas, Jalo and Jussila are fairly common, you can take a look at here: http://verkkopalvelu.vrk.fi/Nimipalvelu/default.asp?L=2
and you can also peak at Tuomas Salste's "name service" where he has collected surnames and where they are and have been found in Finland http://www.tuomas.salste.net/suku/nimi/index-sv.html . I peaked and found out that it is probably Perttunen that is most concentrated in one area, north of Finland.

Enni Jalo is not a common combination, I think!

But since WW2 people have moved a lot, most family names occur everywhere.

Now, it is wise to start from the beginning: does your friend know where his father and mother met? Was the father born in Finland or Sweden, any ideas where, any photos with atelier name? If the father lived in Sweden, it is possible to find him in Sveriges Befolkning cd's and find out at least his birth date. In Sveriges Dödsbok -cd I think they give the birth parish maybe? If the grandfather lived in Sweden, the same applies to him! There are also books on Finns who moved to Sweden, telling about their families.

When you have the birth date (and they have lived in Finland after the data system was constructed, about 1970), it is possible to find e.g. Soile's or Erkki's birth parish by asking if there is a person like this (or has been) in the address data in Befolkningscentret http://www.vrk.fi/default.aspx?id=218 - there is a system which work beautifully and costs 1,24 euros per address - but it does not work outside Finland. You can also phone there, and this is a pay phone, more costly if you (and the one answering) is not quick.

The church books are very much the same in Finland as in Sweden, the problems are within these 125 years -and we have all met them at the beginning.

When you find the area and parish, there are more people here to get you forward!


Tuula K

03.12.15, 11:52
Hello again,

Many thanks to Tuula K, you reply was much appreciated!

New info: Enni was born 1948-06-09 in Kittilä, Finland och moved to Sweden 1965 according to Skatteverket in Sweden. She's got a sister named Eine and their father Willjam Aleksander Kangas was murdered (where, how and when is unknown).

Could this new info be enough to get further with this research?


Hej igen,

Jag har nu funnit att Enni f. 1948-06-09 föddes i Kittilä, Finland och invandrade till Sverige 1965 enligt den svenska folkbokföringen. Dessutom ska hon ha en syster vid namnet Eine. Dessutom ska Enni's far Willjam Aleksander Kangas ha blivit mördad! (Var, när och hur är oklart).

Kan denna nya info räcka för att komma förbi sekretessridån?