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Arkistonäkymässä ei tällä hetkellä lainaus erotu varsinaisesta viestistä. Suosittelemme että vilkaisette ns. täydellistä versiota: : Richard William Abramson born 1907 in USA?

16.05.15, 18:56
I want come in contact with relatives or persons as had more information about the person Richard William Abramson as was born year 1907 in Sebeka Wadena in Minnesota, possibly can this here person and my dead mother had was third cousin?

The person Richard William Abramson grandfather and grandmother on his fathers side was finnish person had immigrated year 1882 to USA.

Best regards
Berndt Boberg

21.07.15, 15:30
I want not now more come in contact with relatives or persons as have more information about Richard William Abramson, I know now with surety at this deaths person and my deaths mother not was third cousin.

Best regards
Berndt Boberg