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Arkistonäkymässä ei tällä hetkellä lainaus erotu varsinaisesta viestistä. Suosittelemme että vilkaisette ns. täydellistä versiota: : Suojärvi name changes

03.11.13, 07:13
I could not find another part of the forum to post so am putting this here. I used to be able to search an online database showing name changes but I can't seem to access it now. It was at
but is now showing access denied. Does anyone know what happened to this database and if you can still see the names changes? I am looking for some Suojärvi name changes that I think happened.

Am in Canada and Finnish language is not so good, so having hard time trying to figure out what happened.

This database was a great resource to help find people it will be very sad if it is no longer available.

Thank you.

03.11.13, 21:58
Still available:), but in member pages.

04.11.13, 02:03
OK, that might be a problem as how does someone in Canada become a member...

Sort of sad they made this private!

06.11.13, 13:41
The Genealogical Society of Finland has members from all over the world,
please contact me in private by e-mail

Riitta Roitto
member secretary