Arkistonäkymässä ei tällä hetkellä lainaus erotu varsinaisesta viestistä. Suosittelemme että vilkaisette ns. täydellistä versiota: : Joakim de Antonio savvas

07.08.13, 08:50
Dear Friends,

I am looking after MR Joakim de Antonio savvas Savvas is the lastname. Do anyone know where he is? He is born around 1953 and thinks that he maybe has emegrated to Australia or Italy.
All answere is importent for me.


Jouni Kaleva
07.08.13, 15:51
Dear Friends,

I am looking after MR Joakim de Antonio savvas Savvas is the lastname. Do anyone know where he is? He is born around 1953 and thinks that he maybe has emegrated to Australia or Italy.
All answere is importent for me.

Any answers in privacy only, since discussion of living persons does not belong here on this forum.