Arkistonäkymässä ei tällä hetkellä lainaus erotu varsinaisesta viestistä. Suosittelemme että vilkaisette ns. täydellistä versiota: : Looking for family Packer in Canada or in USA
29.03.08, 21:52
William August Packer was born 1919 and he was married with Catherine Helen Smith. Williams brother was Edwin John Packer, born 1921 and married to Audrey Margaret Reed.
The father of William and Edwin was August Pakarinen, born 1889 in Finland and mother was Lydia Yläjoki, born 1886 in Finland and died 1959 in Canada
The next generation: Marianne Packer, born 1945; David Michael Packer, born 1959; Diana Gay Packer, born 1949
Lydia was my aunt and I am greitfull about all information of family Packer
Ontario Canada Marriages 1857-1924 about August Pakarinen
Name August pakarinen
Birth place Kuopio Finland
Age 29
Estimated Birth Year abt 1889
Father name John Pakarinen
Mother name Mary Karhunen
Spouse Name Lydia Ylajoki
Spouse´s age 31
Spouse estimated birth year abt 1887
Spouse birth place Harmeen Finland
Spouse father name Kalle Ylajoki
Spouse mother name Eluna Auranen
Marriage date 5 jun 1918
Marriage place york
Marriage county York
family history Library Microfilm MS932_444
There is a August Pakarinen arriving to St John New Brunswick the 4 of mars 1911.He is born in Finland abt 1889 and he is going to Toronto Ontario. He has been a sailor.
And there is a Lydia Ylajoki arriving to Halifax, Nova Scotia the 11 dec 1909 on the ship Hesperian from Liverpool. She is 22 years old and she is going to Toronto
05.02.09, 18:21
Kiitos Kerstin.Thank you.I got something new.Like day of marriage.This family have two sons William and Edward. They have children,but Where are they.???
Passaisko tämä syntymäpäivä?
Detroit Border Crossings and Passenger and Crew Lists, 1905-1957
about Marianne Katherine Packer
Name: Marianne Katherine Packer
Arrival Date: 4 Jan 1952
Age: 6
Birth Date: 21 Jan 1945
Birthplace: Toronto
Birth Country: Canada
Gender: Female
Race/Nationality: Canadian
Port of Arrival: Detroit, Michigan
Microfilm Roll Number: M1478_75
Border Crossings: From Canada to U.S., 1895-1956
about Marianna Packer
Name: Marianna Packer
Arrival Date: 3 Jan 1943 ???? tässä on virhe ! alkuperäine kortti ehkä kastunut ja siksi vaikea lukea.
Birth Date: 21 Jan 1945
Birthplace: Toronto Ont
Birth Country: Canada
Gender: Female
Race/Nationality: English
Port of Arrival: Niagara Falls, New York, USA
Accompanied by: Mother Katherine
Departure Contact: Grandfather Grandpa Cleve Smith
Arrival Contact: Father William A
Record has photo?: No
matkustanut isän kanssa
Border Crossings: From Canada to U.S., 1895-1956
about William AL?? Packer
Name: William AL?? Packer
Arrival Date: 23 Mar 1948
Age: 28
Birth Date: 15 Oct 1919
Birthplace: Toronto
Birth Country: Canada
Gender: Male
Race/Nationality: Finnish
Port of Arrival: Niagara Falls, New York, USA
Departure Contact: Father August
Name: William August Packer
Arrival Date: 19 Sep 1943
Birth Date: 15 Oct ??19
Birthplace: Toronto
Birth Country: Canada
Gender: Male
Race/Nationality: Finnish
Port of Arrival: Niagara Falls, New York, USA
Accompanied by: Wife Katherine H
Departure Contact: Father-in-law Choe Smith
Record has photo?: No
12.06.13, 18:18
Kiitos Kerstin.Thank you.I got something new.Like day of marriage.This family have two sons William and Edward. They have children,but Where are they.???
My mother's uncle was August Pakarinen, born in Karttula, currently in Kuopio. He visited us Finland in 1955 or 1956. I remember that he lived in Toronto and worked in the tobacco factori. He would have two boys.
08.08.13, 10:12
Löysin Googlesta mielenkiintoisen tiedon, kysymyksessä lienee August Pakarisen toinen poika.
Minulla on myös tätini jäämistöstä löytyneitä valokuvia, oletettavasti niissä on Augustin toinen miniä tyttärensä kanssa.
23.09.13, 18:06
William (Viljo) A Packer on kuollut heinäkuun 10. päivänä 1998 ja hänen vaimonsa Katherine Helen Packer o.s. Smith on kuollut 2006.
Kiitos Kerstin.Thank you.I got something new.Like day of marriage.This family have two sons William and Edward. They have children,but Where are they.???
Sorry for the late reply, I just found this site googling late at night.
Edward Packer was my Grandfather. He had two children, Diana Gay Packer and my uncle, David Packer. I would be happy to provide more information if you'd like.
10.08.15, 19:05
Sorry for the late reply, I just found this site googling late at night.
Edward Packer was my Grandfather. He had two children, Diana Gay Packer and my uncle, David Packer. I would be happy to provide more information if you'd like.
Hello. This photo is of my aunt album, do you know who these people are.
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