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12.08.11, 22:32
I’m researching the Lilius family. My 8th-Great-Grandmother was Christina Lilius who was the daughter of Henrik Rainenius/Lilius (born approximately 1590 in Karkku and died March 3, 1657 in Längelmäki).
I’m having trouble translating the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs of the Wikipedia entry ( ( for the Lilius family. I use both Google translation and a translation program called ‘Sunda Tool’. Unfortunately, I’m struggling somewhat with these paragraphs. I’d appreciate it if someone (when they had a free moment) might find the time to briefly translate these paragraphs into English for me. I know it is tedious! Many thanks!
“Liliuksen suvun kantaisä oli Karkun ( pitäjän Rainion kylässä asunut varakas ratsutilallinen ( nimismies Hans Johaninpoika Rainenius[3] ( (s.1540 ([4] (, erään myöhäisen jälkeläisensä muistelmissa "Hannes Birkarlen", viimeisiä pirkkalaispäälliköitä ( Rainion kylän taloista ratsutilaksi yhdistänyttä Hans Johaninpojan perhettä pidettiin jo näihin aikoihin kuuluvan johtavaan satakuntalaiseen väestö kerrokseen[5] ( Hänen poikansa Henricus Johannis Rainenius Lilius (1590 ( (, Langelmäen kirkkoherra, muutti maisteriksi tulleen poikansa, Johannes (Johan) Liliuksen, kanssa nimensä Liliukseksi. Hans Johaninpojan tytär Margareeta nai (1624) rälssitilallisen ( Bertil Matinpojan (1605-1681).
Suvun useat sukupolvet ovat vaikuttaneet kirkkoherroina Längelmäellä ( ja Messukylässä (, jossa suvun viiden sukupolven edustajat hallitsivat kirkkoherran virkaa lähes keskeyksettä vuosina 1690–1848.[2] ([6] ( Suvun jäsenet ovat toimineet kirkkoherroina myös Joutsenossa, Sahalahdella, Jääskessä, Virolahdella, Sakkolassa, Kalvolassa, Orivedellä, Tyrväällä, Ulvilassa ja Hattulassa ([7] ( Tulee huomioida että verrattain aikaisessa vaiheessa osa suvusta talonpoikaistui, samoin kuin esimerkiksi kävi Falck (, Munck ( ja Rachlitius säätyläissuvuille Säämingistä. Tämä näkyy siten, että paikkakunnille jääneiden jälkeläisten kummeina ei lainkaan esiintynyt säätyläishenkilöitä ( tai muun suvun piriin kuuluneita[8] (”
I’m researching the Lilius family. My 8th-Great-Grandmother was Christina Lilius who was the daughter of Henrik Rainenius/Lilius (born approximately 1590 in Karkku and died March 3, 1657 in Längelmäki).
I’m having trouble translating the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs of the Wikipedia entry ( ( for the Lilius family. I use both Google translation and a translation program called ‘Sunda Tool’. Unfortunately, I’m struggling somewhat with these paragraphs. I’d appreciate it if someone (when they had a free moment) might find the time to briefly translate these paragraphs into English for me. I know it is tedious! Many thanks!
“Liliuksen suvun kantaisä oli Karkun ( pitäjän Rainion kylässä asunut varakas ratsutilallinen ( nimismies Hans Johaninpoika Rainenius[3] ( (s.1540 ([4] (, erään myöhäisen jälkeläisensä muistelmissa "Hannes Birkarlen", viimeisiä pirkkalaispäälliköitä ( Rainion kylän taloista ratsutilaksi yhdistänyttä Hans Johaninpojan perhettä pidettiin jo näihin aikoihin kuuluvan johtavaan satakuntalaiseen väestö kerrokseen[5] ( Hänen poikansa Henricus Johannis Rainenius Lilius (1590 ( (, Langelmäen kirkkoherra, muutti maisteriksi tulleen poikansa, Johannes (Johan) Liliuksen, kanssa nimensä Liliukseksi. Hans Johaninpojan tytär Margareeta nai (1624) rälssitilallisen ( Bertil Matinpojan (1605-1681).
Suvun useat sukupolvet ovat vaikuttaneet kirkkoherroina Längelmäellä ( ja Messukylässä (, jossa suvun viiden sukupolven edustajat hallitsivat kirkkoherran virkaa lähes keskeyksettä vuosina 1690–1848.[2] ([6] ( Suvun jäsenet ovat toimineet kirkkoherroina myös Joutsenossa, Sahalahdella, Jääskessä, Virolahdella, Sakkolassa, Kalvolassa, Orivedellä, Tyrväällä, Ulvilassa ja Hattulassa ([7] ( Tulee huomioida että verrattain aikaisessa vaiheessa osa suvusta talonpoikaistui, samoin kuin esimerkiksi kävi Falck (, Munck ( ja Rachlitius säätyläissuvuille Säämingistä. Tämä näkyy siten, että paikkakunnille jääneiden jälkeläisten kummeina ei lainkaan esiintynyt säätyläishenkilöitä ( tai muun suvun piriin kuuluneita[8] (”
Lets try:
"The forefather of the Lilius family was rural police chief and weathty man Hans Johansson Rainenius, who also owned a "rustholli", which he had created himself by uniting many farms from the same village of Rainio. In a book of memoirs of his late ancester he was also called Hannes Birkalen, this name indicating that he should have been one of the latest chiefs of the Pirkkala.
He and his family belonged with no doubt to the upper classes of the Satakunta society. His son Henricus Johannis Rainenius Lilius ( 1590-1657), the vicar of Längelmäki, together with his son who graduated from university, changed their name to Lilius. Hans Johansson`s daughter Margaretha married (1624) Bertil Matsson, who owned a freehold estate.
Many generations of the family have served as vicars in Längelmäki and Messukylä. In Messukylä all the vicars came from this family almost continously during years 1690-1848. Members of the family have served as vicars in Joutsa, Sahalahti, Jääksi, Virolahti, Sakkola, Kalvola, Orivesi, Tyrvää, Ulvila and Hattula. It must be pointed out, that in very early stage part of the family became peasants. The same happend in such families of the upper classes from Sääminki as Falck, Munck and Rachlitius: As godfathers of the newborn familymemembers you cannot find members of the upper classes."
Rustholli = usually a larger estate which was free from paying taxes while it equipped a man with horse to the army
14.08.11, 00:12
Many thanks Juhani - much appreciated! I’m wondering, with respect to Johan (Hans) Rainenius (born approximately 1540 and the progenitor of the Lilius family), what the significance is of him being described as “Hannes Birkarl”. I see that the Wikipedia reference points to a Genos 66(1995), s. 150-164, 191-192 article titled ‘Karkun Collinus-suvun alkuperä ja ensimmäiset polvet’ (see - ( This in turn, at footnote 37, references the following: ‘Aleko Lilius: Ett herrans liv, Helsingfors 1957 s. 9-11’ as the source for the “Hannes Birkarl” reference.
I’m curious whether this reference is to Johan (Hans) Rainenius having originated in Pirkkala or, alternatively, whether he was what is known as a Birkarl (see - (
I’d be interested if anyone has any additional information on Johan (Hans) Rainenius in general and, specifically, any thoughts on the foregoing or primary source material references to support the above statements regarding "Hannes Birkarl". Many thanks.
15.08.11, 04:28
The specific passage from Genos 66(1995) that I referred to above reads as follows:
“Bertil Matinpoika esiintyy lähteissä myös ensimmäisen avioliittonsa perusteella. Hänen vaimonsa Margareeta Hannuntytär kuului samaan johtavaan satakuntalaiseen väestökerrokseen kuin Rautajoen Beata-rouva. Heidän häitään vietettiin Karkun Rainion nimismiestalossa viimeistään kesällä 1624. [36] ( Margareetan isä nimismies Hannu Juhananpoika - erään myöhäisen jälkeläisensä muistelmissa "Hannes Birkarlen" [emphasis added], viimeisiä pirkkalaispäälliköitä [37] ( - oli yhdistänyt Rainion kylän talot 7 1/2 äyrin ratsutilaksi. Hänen leskensä Beata avioitui Ylä-Satakunnan kihlakunnan voudin Niilo Eerikinpojan kanssa. Äidin kuoleman jälkeen sisarukset, joihin kuului mm. Lilius-suvun kantaisä, Längelmäen kirkkoherra Henrik Rainenius, sopivat Niilo Eerikinpojan kanssa 1624 omaisuusjärjestelyistä: isäpuoli sai 200 hopeataalaria ja äidin kullatun hopeavyön sekä luopui vaatimuksistaan muuhun omaisuuteen ja nimismiesveroon. Margareetan osalle tuli mm. äidin vaatevarasto ja "arkinen hopeavyö" (hvardags sölfbeltte). [38] ( Perintöselvittelyt jatkuivat vielä 1628, jolloin Bertil Matinpoika vaati langoltaan Juha Hannunpojalta vaimonsa osuutta kiinteimestä omaisuudesta sekä perheen hopeasta ja kuparista. [39] ( - Bertil Matinpojan toinen vaimo Beata tunnetaan vain nimeltä henkikirjojen perusteella.”
I’m intrigued what the reference to “Hannes Birkarl” means.
< I’m curious whether this reference is to Johan (Hans) Rainenius having originated in Pirkkala or, alternatively, whether he was what is known as a Birkarl (see - (
I’d be interested if anyone has any additional information on Johan (Hans) Rainenius in general and, specifically, any thoughts on the foregoing or primary source material references to support the above statements regarding "Hannes Birkarl". >
Rainio Rainio 1
259 567 Johan (Hans)
217 581 -1652 po Johan Hanss Rainio 1644 h 1654 Karkku
217 582 Beata Ericsd h 1643 Karkku
402 649 Margareta 1644
402 607 1656-60 po Hans Johanss Rainio 1657
402 608 Magdalena 1657
217 579 1661-74 ve Abraham Johanss Rainio 1662 h 31.1.1675 Karkku
217 580 75 Maria 1675 h 1709 Karkku
402 609 II Jöran Jöranss 1675 h 11.12.1715 Karkku
217 299 1700 po Abraham Abrahamss Rainio 1667 Kark 1689 1700 Karkku
217 300 01-12 Lisa Andersd 1689 h 25.3.1738 Karkku
402 611 vä Elias Anderss h 1.4.1719 Karkku
217 150 Maria Abrahamsd Rainio 19.6.1720 Karkku h 13.11.1754 Karkku
217 149 II Jacob Jacobss Iso-Ropo 1697 Kark 1755 h 1.11.1771 Karkku
402 648 Anna Conradsd 1728
The specific passage from Genos 66(1995) that I referred to above reads as follows:
“Bertil Matinpoika esiintyy lähteissä myös ensimmäisen avioliittonsa perusteella. Hänen vaimonsa Margareeta Hannuntytär kuului samaan johtavaan satakuntalaiseen väestökerrokseen kuin Rautajoen Beata-rouva. Heidän häitään vietettiin Karkun Rainion nimismiestalossa viimeistään kesällä 1624. [36] ( Margareetan isä nimismies Hannu Juhananpoika - erään myöhäisen jälkeläisensä muistelmissa "Hannes Birkarlen" [emphasis added], viimeisiä pirkkalaispäälliköitä [37] ( - oli yhdistänyt Rainion kylän talot 7 1/2 äyrin ratsutilaksi.
I’m intrigued what the reference to “Hannes Birkarl” means.
It means that according to one late relative (in his book of memoirs) Hannu Juhananpoika was a Birkarlen, one of the latest chiefs of Pirkkala (sort of center of trade and taxation). In my opinion this text does not indicate that he would have been born in Pirkkala.
But what is the truth-value of this, I don´t have a clue. It would be a good idea to read the book (ref. 37) and check its references.
30.08.11, 05:07
Please find below some relevant sections of the following article. It appears to establish that Hans Johansson, the father of Henricus Johannis Rainenius (b. approximately 1590 and d. 1657), had died by the summer of 1624 when his daughter Margareta married Bertil Matsson. His wife Beata, who had remarried the Bailiff Nils Eriksson, was alive at her daughter’s wedding but died shortly thereafter, i.e. late summer 1624, as evidenced by district court records. This was new information to me which I thought I would share with this forum in the event that someone else had not seen these references.
The Article ‘Karkun Collinus-suvun alkuperä ja ensimmäiset polvet’ (‘Origin of the Collinus family of Karkku and the first generations’) (Genos 66(1995), pp. 150-164, 191-192) by Heikki Impola, Foreign affairs counsellor, Helsinki, states the following with respect to the Rainenius/Lilius family:
“Bertil Matsson is found in historical sources also on the basis of his first marriage. His wife Margareta Hansdotter belonged to the leading social stratum of Satakunta society as did his second wife Beata of Rautajoki. Their wedding was spent at Rainio of Karkku in the Rural Police Chief’s house at the latest in the summer of 1624. Margareta’s father was the Rural Police Chief Hans Johansson. In memoirs of a late descendant, he is described as "Hannes Birkarlen," the last ‘pirkkalaispäälliköitä’ [or ‘birkarl’ in Swedish]. He had connected Houses in the village of Rainio to become a Mount Estate of 7 and 1/2 öres. When widowed, his wife Beata was remarried to the Bailiff of the jurisdictional district of Upper-Satakunta Nils Eriksson.
After the mother's [Beata’s] death the brothers and sisters including, among others, the progenitor of the Lilius family Henrik Rainenius, Clergyman of Längelmäki, and Nils Eriksson agreed, also in 1624, to property arrangements. These included that the stepfather would receive 200 hopeataalari and the mother's gilded silver belt if he gave up his demands to other property and to the rural police chief tax. Margareta received, among other things, her mother's clothes store room and an "ordinary silver belt" (hvardags sölfbeltte). The settling of inheritance matters still continued in 1628 when Bertil Matsson required that his brother-in-law Johan Hansson provide his wife's share of real estate property and the silver and copper of the family. The second wife of Bertil Matsson named Beata is known by name only on the basis of the registers of population.
Footnote [36] - At Margareta Hansdotter’s wedding in Rainio, Lars Matsson of Sarkola lost money which he demanded from Margareta’s stepfather Nils Eriksson. There had been another matter in 1625-1626 in the District Court Sessions. Nils Eriksson’s brother, the Bailiff of the jurisdictional district of Halikko, Simon Eriksson’s daughter Karin had found money and had given it to the hostess of the house Beata who was, thus, still alive at the time. As the estate inventory was delivered in August 1624, after Beata died, the wedding must have been held at the latest during the first half of the same year. District Court Sessions of Karkku 16.12.1626, VA Ylä-Satakunta KO a 1:157.”
(source: (
30.08.11, 10:52
I have the following questions that I would appreciate answers to, or insights in better understanding, including:
1. Would Hans (Johan) Johansson who was the Rural Police Chief of Karkku and father of Henricus Johannis Rainenius have necessarily been proficient in Swedish in order to execute his occupation? I am curious whether he was of Finnish ancestry or Swedish? If he was of Finnish ancestry, would the fact that he is alleged (for argument sake) to have been “Hannes Birkarl” account for his knowledge of Swedish?
2. I have struggled for some time to try and understand the nature of Medieval, and Early Modern Era Swedish (Finnish), higher education. For example, what were the academic qualifications necessary for someone (i.e. Henricus Johannis Rainenius) to be qualified as a priest in the Swedish (Finnish) Lutheran Church? What did someone have to undertake/accomplish, i.e. years of study, course of study, etc, in order for a candidate to so qualify. If a member of this forum has a reference, article or publication that sheds light on this topic I would be grateful. Kiitos!
I have the following questions that I would appreciate answers to, or insights in better understanding, including:
1. Would Hans (Johan) Johansson who was the Rural Police Chief of Karkku and father of Henricus Johannis Rainenius have necessarily been proficient in Swedish in order to execute his occupation? I am curious whether he was of Finnish ancestry or Swedish? If he was of Finnish ancestry, would the fact that he is alleged (for argument sake) to have been “Hannes Birkarl” account for his knowledge of Swedish?
2. I have struggled for some time to try and understand the nature of Medieval, and Early Modern Era Swedish (Finnish), higher education. For example, what were the academic qualifications necessary for someone (i.e. Henricus Johannis Rainenius) to be qualified as a priest in the Swedish (Finnish) Lutheran Church? What did someone have to undertake/accomplish, i.e. years of study, course of study, etc, in order for a candidate to so qualify. If a member of this forum has a reference, article or publication that sheds light on this topic I would be grateful. Kiitos!
1. A. (I still fail to understand your fascination with Swedish vs. Finnish at earlier times.) Would seem to more sensible&probable that the officials coming from "ouside" to a Finnish speaking area, would either learn Finnish or bring an interpreter than to expect that each nimismies learn that. Nimismies was during 1500's just one one of the farmers with extra duties. They did not necessarily have the position for all of their life.
1. B. Birkarl is a concept that has been discussed a lot, with no definite results. I'm sure you have already read ?
2. As I have also many priests in my ancestors I have tried to read up on this. According to my understanding as long as there was no university in Finland, the schooling was rather minimal. Most apparently went to Åbo Cathderal school. All literature I'm familiar with is either in Swedish or Finnish and the same applies to the following pages
31.08.11, 03:46
Hi Kaisa,
Thank you for the information and the links which I look forward to reviewing. My interest in ethnicity is as a result of my interest in population migration. I’ve spent quite a bit of time studying the migration of ancestors on my father’s side. For example, I’ve been researching the migration of Lowland (or Borders Region) Scots from Scotland to Northern Ireland as part of the Plantations ( Thereafter many of their descendents immigrated to Canada and constitute some of my ancestors. I’ve also studied the Irish diaspora and how many Irish migrated from the West and South of Ireland to England and North America during the Great Famine (1845-50) ( My GG-Grandmother moved from Western Ireland to England, married an Englishman and their son, my G-Grandfather, immigrated to Canada. While the Irish and English were both technically subjects of the British Empire during the 19th century, they often lived in isolated, fairly homogeneous communities in their new adopted home countries. Others, like my GG-Grandmother, were integrated – at least from a location and marriage perspective if not socially.
I’m less familiar with Scandinavian migration patterns and the interaction of the various different communities and am trying to understand them better. Unlike Scotland, Ireland and England, Finland-Sweden did not suffer nearly as much from religious animosities. I’m interested in learning about my various Finnish ancestors including those that were local to the area where they lived and others, whether of Finnish background, Swedish, other Scandinavian or German, who moved to Finland-Sweden. Up until fairly recently I was unfamiliar with the nature of migration and mobility in Finland-Sweden. I would like to learn more and understand why they may have ended up where they did. I find the sociological and economic background to migration (whether catastrophic like the Irish Great Famine or opportunistic like the Scots to Northern Ireland) and the interaction of these communities, and their respective contributions, fascinating and often revealing of the motivations to have migrated in the first place. Thanks again for your assistance.
10.09.11, 03:20
I have been trying to learn more about the ancestry of Henricus Johannis Rainenius/Lilius’ wife Sofia Jakobsdotter. What I have discovered thus far is as follows:
Sofia Jakobsdotter, according the Ylioppilasmatrikkeli 1640–1852 records, was the sister of Abrahamus Jacobi who was the Clergyman of Ikaalinen. (see - ( His son Abrahamus Abrahami Ikalensis is described as the cousin of Johannes Henrici Lilius.
Abrahamus Jacobi, apparent brother of Sofia Jakobsdotter, is described in ‘HISTORIALLISIA TUTKIMUKSIA LI. Yrjö Blomstedt: Laamannin- ja kihlakunnantuomarinvirkojen läänittäminen ja hoito Suomessa 1500-ja 1600-luvuilla. Julkaissut Suomen Historiallinen Seura. Helsinki 1958. Suomen laamannit, kihlakunnantuomarit, alilaamannit ja lainlukijat 1523-1680’ as the brother of Henrik Jakobsson in the following passage:
“Henrik Jaakonpoika (Wijckman). Turun hovioikeuden pöytäkirjuri 1635-38, Etelä-Suomen alilaamanni 1638(valtak. 17. 9.)-1658. Porin kreivikunnan alilaamanni 1651-58. K. 1658. Sin. X: 153. Westerlund, Åbo hovrätt, s. 748. Sumelius, Viialasläkterna, ss. 159 -160. Jokipii, Porin kreivikunta, s. 143. Hänen veljensä oli Ikaalisten kirkkoherra Abrahamus Jacobi. Nähtävästi se Henrik Jaakonpoika Wesilaxius, joka 1631 todistaa Turussa oikeaksi erään asiakirjan (VA: 7878: 112) ja siinä tapauksessa ilmeisesti Vesilahden kirkkoherran Jacobus Matthiaen poika, vrt. Arajärvi, Vesilahden historia, ss. 449-454.” (see - (
Henrik Jakobsson and, if the foregoing is correct, Abrahamus Jacobi and Sofia Jakobsdotter are the children of the Clergyman of Vesilahti Jacobus Matthiae. (see - (
The website ( ( states the following about Jacobus Matthiae:
“Papisto alkoi 1600-luvulla Kurkien tapaan kouluttaa innokkaasti lapsiaan, ja niinpä Vesilahteen muodostui kuuluisia pappissukuja. Papisto myös pyrki irtaantumaan kansasta ylöspäin. Kirkonkylän Tapolassa 1500-luvun lopulla asustanut Jacobus Matthiae aloitti Wesilaxiuksien pappissuvun. Muuan lapsenlapsista oli kirkkoherrana Inkerinmaalla Wasserman-nimisenä. Kirkkoherra Steniuksen vanhimmasta ja hieman kevytmielisestä pojasta tuli Pirkkalan kirkkoherra. (VH)”
And further ( (
“Vesilahden papiston maanhankinnan aloitti Jacobus Matthiae jo 1500-luvun lopulla, ja hänen huonotapaiset poikansa jatkoivat tilojen ostamista. Kirkkoherrat Josephus Wallenius (1596-1643, kh. 1626-) ja Martin Stenius (1610-1693, kh. 1645-) poikineen eivät hekään olleet edellisiä heikompia tilojen hankkijoina. Omien intressien ajamisen ohessa kirkkokuria tiukennettiin ja käynnistettiin noitakäräjiä ja toimeenpantiin jopa teilauksia; väestöryhmien välit kiristyivät. Lempäälässä Maexmontanus-papitkäyttäytyivät samoin. (VH 449-463, Arajärvi 1959, 214-222) Nämäkään olosuhteet eivät voineet tehdä kansanrunojen laulamista mahdottomaksi, koska oletettavasti kirkollisesti hyväksyttäviä runoja ei vainottu.”
I would be interested in anyone’s thoughts on the validity of the foregoing. I am sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere. It was new information to me. Kiitos!
Liliuksen suvun vaiheita.
11.09.11, 10:36
Further to my earlier post above, I set forth below a copy of an e-mail that I kindly received from Yrjö Kotivuori in response to my inquiry of him regarding the possible parentage of Sofia Jakobsdotter. I found it quite exciting and thought that I would share it with the forum. I believe that it provides persuasive evidence that Sofia was the daughter of Jacobus Matthiae of Vesilahti.
As always, I would be most grateful for any further thoughts, critiques or suggestions for additional inquiry. It would be exciting to see if additional information may be discovered regarding Jacobus Matthiae and his sister Barbro Mattsdotter’s background and relationship to the Äijälä house in Turku. Many thanks.
“Dear Mr. Dale,
I have informed 16.11.2006 paimenmuisto writer on this earlier published article:
Veli Pekka Toropainen, Tietoja 1600-luvun turkulaisten sukulaisuussuhteista. Genos 73 (2002) s. 217, including "TKO 29.7.1641 ... Staffan Äijälä esitti perinnönjakoasiakirjan 26.2.1598, jonka oli todistanut raadin lisäksi Brita Larsintyttären äidin veli, tuolloin Vesilahden kappalainen Jacobus Matthei. Jakokirjan mukaan Brita oli saanut äitinsä Barbro Mattsintyttären irtaimiston ..."
This document of Barbros inheritance (Äijälä house in Turku) confirms that Jacobus was her brother. There is also some further information of Barbros daughters family in Turku. Staffan Äijälä was not a heir. (
In the dedications on page 2 of this pdf-dissertation. (
respondens Johannes H. Lilius calls Abrahamus Jacobi and Henricus Jacobi his avunculus, i.e. Johans mother was their sister.
I have no further knowledge of Jacobus Matthiae or evidence if he really was their father or not.”
13.09.11, 03:36
My commentary on the information in Mr. Kotivuori’s e-mail is as follows:
1. “Veli Pekka Toropainen, Tietoja 1600-luvun turkulaisten sukulaisuussuhteista. Genos 73 (2002) s. 217, including TKO 29.7.1641 ... Staffan Äijälä presented a document dated February 26, 1598 regarding the distribution of an inheritance in addition to the council. It had proved that Brita Larsdotter’s mother's brother, at that time the Assistant Vicar of Vesilahti, was Jacobus Matthei. According to a Deed of Partition, Brita had received her mother Barbro Mattsdotter’s personal property ...”
2. The following is the relevant extract from this link ( ( as translated: “V. P. Toropainen, Information regarding the relationships of Turku citizens in the 1600s. Genos 73 (2002) p. 217 (TKO 29.7.1641. Among others, it is also mentioned that belonging to the Äijälä family was, from olden times, the Assistant Vicar of Vesilahti Jacobus Matthæi). V. P. Toropainen, Information regarding the relationships of Turku citizens in the 1600s. Genos 74 (2003) p. 47 (TKO 19.3.1652. Staffan Äijälä’s son was Nils), 172 (TKO 24.5.1660, Påval Äijälä).”
3. To see a copy of the Dedication of Johannes Henrici Lilius and his reference to Abrahamus Jacobi and Henricus Jacobi as his ‘Avunculus’ [meaning maternal uncle in Latin - (] please see p. 2 of the following link - (
I am curious if anyone has any knowledge of the house of Äijälä, or the Äijälä family, in Turku in the 16th and 17th century? It appears from Mr. Kotivuori’s e-mail and the notes above that Jacobus Matthiae’s sister Barbro Mattsdotter owned the Äijälä house and that she and Jacobus belonged to the Äijälä family.
20.09.11, 09:00
I would appreciate it if thread participants would provide feedback whether they believe that my conclusions regarding the parentage of Sofia Jakobsdotter are accurate. I have not seen the foregoing conclusion regarding parentage and the Wesilexius relationship in available literature. Many thanks.
23.09.11, 00:16
There is something wrong in the family Rainio.
Stepfather Nils Eriksson got a big money of the estate, which he did not own.
His wifes Beatas first husband Hans Johansson Rainio died before 1611.
200 silvertaaleris is very much money.
1685 was sold Äimälä rusthol in Kokemäki. It was 9, 25 tax size estate.Value was 750 silvertaaleris.
Rainio was 7, 5 taxes.
In Karkku Isak Eriksson buy from his wives dother 1/3 part of Järventaka rusthol and value was 200 taleris.
In Rainio there was son Johan Hansson, who got the main estate.
Henrik Hansson Rainerius got the education, not much more.
Margareta got clothes and silver belt, and asked later part of property.
Was there more children I do not know.
I thing that there is only one explanation for this 200 silvertaaleris.
Hans Johanssons widow was not the mother of all children, maybe only Margareta was her dother.
Beata and Nils Eriksson married 1611.
Beata died before 1624. But she was not the Beata, who is mentioned in the Weddingparty. That Beata was Johan Hansson wife Beata Eriksdr.
Why ?
Becouse Beata was died earlier and her husband Nils Eriksson remarried Anna Hansdotter, who was dother of Hans Johansson Rainio, from his first marrige with unknow wife.
1624 Nils Eriksson got 200 silvertaaleris which was his wifes Anna Hansdr Rainions heritage of the estate.
If the value of estate was 800 got son Johan 400 and both dotters 200.
-it means that there is no other children?
Nils Eriksson bought Viikari rusthol in Kiurala village.
Nils Eriksson and Anna Johansdr was mentioned in Viikari 1639.
1651 there is Måns Månsson and Anna until 1664.
1664-1668 Måns Månsson and Anna are in Hieta rustholl.
1671-1682? Hieta belongs to lutenant Håkan Månsson and Sigred Jacobsdr Karhia.
From Hieta they move to Kokemäki where they live on the Köönikkä rustholl, which belongs to Sigred.
Sigreds mother´s sister was wife of camarfiskalen Anders Äimä.
Note must be done, becouse Anders Äimäs dother Elin Äimäleus, Sigreds cousin, was married with Johan Henriksson Lilius.
Håkan Månsson was maybe son of Måns Månsson and Anna Hansdr.
Was Anna Hansdr dother of Hans Johansson Rainio, is a big question?
Erkki A Tikkanen
04.10.11, 14:59
Kuka on tämä Henricus Johannis Rainenius, jonka isä on Karkun nimismies ja Rainion ratsutilallinen Johan Hansson ja äiti Beata Eriksdotter?
Erkki A Tikkanen
04.10.11, 16:21
Kuka on tämä Henricus Johannis Rainenius, jonka isä on Karkun nimismies ja Rainion ratsutilallinen Johan Hansson ja äiti Beata Eriksdotter?
Vastaanpas itselleni, eli kyseessä lienee Karkun nimismiehen Johan Hansonin ja vaimonsa Beatan poika Johan Hanson ja hänen vaimonsa Beata Erikintyttären poika Henrik.
Onko nyt kahden Beatan tiedot menneet sekaisin, kun myös vanhemman Hansin vaimon Beatan patronyymiksi on laitettu Erik, esim. Biografiakeskuksen sivulla.
Ajatuksissani sotkin kyseisen Henricus Johanniksen setäänsä, joka oli samanniminen ja kun Beata-nimikin oli mukana kuvioissa :cool:
24.05.15, 09:41
Just checking in to see if there has been any progress or new information with respect to the Lilius family in the past few years. I’d be most grateful for any update or additional information. Many thanks.
My commentary on the information in Mr. Kotivuori’s e-mail is as follows:
1. “Veli Pekka Toropainen, Tietoja 1600-luvun turkulaisten sukulaisuussuhteista. Genos 73 (2002) s. 217, including TKO 29.7.1641 ... Staffan Äijälä presented a document dated February 26, 1598 regarding the distribution of an inheritance in addition to the council. It had proved that Brita Larsdotter’s mother's brother, at that time the Assistant Vicar of Vesilahti, was Jacobus Matthei. According to a Deed of Partition, Brita had received her mother Barbro Mattsdotter’s personal property ...”
2. The following is the relevant extract from this link ( ( as translated: “V. P. Toropainen, Information regarding the relationships of Turku citizens in the 1600s. Genos 73 (2002) p. 217 (TKO 29.7.1641. Among others, it is also mentioned that belonging to the Äijälä family was, from olden times, the Assistant Vicar of Vesilahti Jacobus Matthæi). V. P. Toropainen, Information regarding the relationships of Turku citizens in the 1600s. Genos 74 (2003) p. 47 (TKO 19.3.1652. Staffan Äijälä’s son was Nils), 172 (TKO 24.5.1660, Påval Äijälä).”
3. To see a copy of the Dedication of Johannes Henrici Lilius and his reference to Abrahamus Jacobi and Henricus Jacobi as his ‘Avunculus’ [meaning maternal uncle in Latin - (] please see p. 2 of the following link - (
I am curious if anyone has any knowledge of the house of Äijälä, or the Äijälä family, in Turku in the 16th and 17th century? It appears from Mr. Kotivuori’s e-mail and the notes above that Jacobus Matthiae’s sister Barbro Mattsdotter owned the Äijälä house and that she and Jacobus belonged to the Äijälä family.
In addition to above, V.Toropainen presents a lineage showing Äijälä-family in Turku. ( ALISEN_KONTROLLIN_V%C3%84LINEEN%C3%84_VUOSINA_1549 _1660) see page 78. Referred source: SRA, Städers Acta 83
He is mentioning Matts Äijälä with two daughters Barbro and Anna housing Äijälä, located in Hämeenkatu Turku, with their husbands. Also presenting Barbro's daughter Brita, who has been mentioned in the quote from Pete above. Grels Wävare is mentioned in a law suite in 1642 (Turun kämnerioikeus) claiming on Jacobus Matthiaes rights for posessing the inherited property of her wife Brita. Jacobus was appointed to administrate her property after her mother's - Jacobus' sister - death at 1593.(source not cross checked).
In this perspective it looks strongly potential to find Wesilaxius family connected to Äijälä merchants in late 1500's Turku.
If Jacobus Matthia Wesilaxius is really born Matts Äijälä's son, it makes me think of possible connection to Äijälä farm in his parish Vesilahti.
// JP
24.11.16, 05:37
Many thanks Jukka-Pekka! I look forward to reviewing the information you have provided. Much appreciated! Cheers, Pete
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