Arkistonäkymässä ei tällä hetkellä lainaus erotu varsinaisesta viestistä. Suosittelemme että vilkaisette ns. täydellistä versiota: : Eva from Kuusamo, moved to Norway, Russia and then Norway again
Hello, I am looking for information about Eva from Kuusamo.
She is probably born in Kuusamo? beteween 1842-1851. (Papers in norway says 1842?, 1843?, 1845? 1850??) She married and got a daughter called Anna (Gustava?) born in 1871 in Kuusamo?. She moved to Norway and nordreisa (Skjervøy Troms) and there she have a child called Marie in 1873. The father of Marie is Abel Johannesen (born in Sigajaaki?? Finland 1834?). But they are not married. Eva calls herself Eva Johannesdatter and she is a widow. So I guess Abel is not the father of Anna?
The still live in 1875 in Nordreisa and still not married. The papers says. Abel Johannesen b1834, Eva Johannesdatterb 1850?, Anna Johannesdatter (her daughter) b1871, their daughter Marie Abelsdatter b 1873.
Then they move to vayda-Guba? Russia. There Eva get a boy in 25.11.1877 called Johan Lambela. The father is Abel Lambela. I guess this is same Abel as the father of Marie. The family have heard that Abel go through ice and die in Russia. Eva marries again with Johan Knittilä in Russia, and they get a girl called Helga in 1882.
Then they move to Vardø in Norway between 1882 and 1895? In 1896 Johan Lambela is confirmed in church in Vardø, Norway
And in 1900 and 1910 they alle live in Vardø.
Do anyone have data about her birth? Her First marriage? Father of the first child? And how to get data from Kuusamo or Vayda Guba (Church books?)? Birth, Marriage and so on???
Bjørn Erik
Hello, I am looking for information about Eva from Kuusamo.
She is probably born in Kuusamo? beteween 1842-1851. (Papers in norway says 1842?, 1843?, 1845? 1850??) She married and got a daughter called Anna (Gustava?) born in 1871 in Kuusamo?. She moved to Norway and nordreisa (Skjervøy Troms) and there she have a child called Marie in 1873. The father of Marie is Abel Johannesen (born in Sigajaaki?? Finland 1834?). But they are not married. Eva calls herself Eva Johannesdatter and she is a widow. So I guess Abel is not the father of Anna?
The still live in 1875 in Nordreisa and still not married. The papers says. Abel Johannesen b1834, Eva Johannesdatterb 1850?, Anna Johannesdatter (her daughter) b1871, their daughter Marie Abelsdatter b 1873.
Then they move to vayda-Guba? Russia. There Eva get a boy in 25.11.1877 called Johan Lambela. The father is Abel Lambela. I guess this is same Abel as the father of Marie. The family have heard that Abel go through ice and die in Russia. Eva marries again with Johan Knittilä in Russia, and they get a girl called Helga in 1882.
Then they move to Vardø in Norway between 1882 and 1895? In 1896 Johan Lambela is confirmed in church in Vardø, Norway
And in 1900 and 1910 they alle live in Vardø.
Do anyone have data about her birth? Her First marriage? Father of the first child? And how to get data from Kuusamo or Vayda Guba (Church books?)? Birth, Marriage and so on???
Bjørn Erik
Eva had daughter Anna Gustava 2.2.1871. Her husband was Johan Lämsä
Vayda-Guba tarkoittanee tässä Vaitolahtea Kalastajasaarennon pohjoisreunalla Petsamon alueella. Guba on lahti ja Vaito on joskus kirjoitettu pehmeällä d;llä.
Johan Fredrik Lämsä Kulmakka 07.07.1837-04.11.1871, Eva 06.01.1845
Thank you, it is possible to find the papers for Eva birth and baptized? I cant find her with 6.1.1845
There may be a mistake in her birth date, so you have to follow her in the Rippikirja books until you find more information.
Here is the next entry in Rippikirja 1857-66: and it says that she is Johansdotter and that she has come from page 305.
In 305 you find Eva with her family and see that her birth date has been corrected - but it is not easy to tell which is right. Follow again in earlier books in
Here you see her father's name Korpua-Repola-Luttinen and mother's name Weteläin(en). And try Hiski for suitable Eva Johansdotter with father name as one of those three.
Tuula K
Strange, i can find her many places, and her sisters, but still not found her exact birth date in papers (syntyneet) when she is baptized.
I have troubles finding right place with
A lot of the text on the internet site is finnish.
Could anyone find Eva born in 1845 or 1846 in Kuusamo? And the father is Johan Korpua.
what is written behind the name Eva? The column: ort?
I have troubles finding right place with
A lot of the text on the internet site is finnish.
Could anyone find Eva born in 1845 or 1846 in Kuusamo? And the father is Johan Korpua.
all books
born and babticed
what is written behind the name Eva? The column: ort?
Could it be: i Kallungi?
Is Kallungi a place in finland? Could se be born outside Kuusamo? Or is it a family name? I still cant find her in the papers, i have read several times. This is really strange.
Is anyone able to find her in this papers?
This day Kallunki is a place in Lapland in Salla, not Kuusamo.
Kallunki can be a family name, too.
I am so sorry, I cannot write english very well, but I vill to learn.
Is Kallungi a place in finland? Could se be born outside Kuusamo? Or is it a family name? I still cant find her in the papers, i have read several times. This is really strange.
Kallungi ( Kallunki) is also a housename in Kuusamo Alakitka village.
I think you write good and thank you. Then she could be born in Salla, and that is why I dont find her in Kuusamo. I cant find papers for births in Salla on internet. Anyone know where to find information? Eva is born in 1845 or 1846.
I tried to search her also from those, but couldn't find. I looked years 1845-46.
Did you search papers from Salla? Where can I find birth papers from Salla?
No I didnt, I only looked from Kuusamo, because there is a house named Kallungi. ( I think that -i Kallungi- ment that house)
Did Kallungi place belonged to Salla in 1800 century?
Salla's churchbooks are only in te net, not born and papticed.
Sometimes you simlpy cannot find the right born date in born and papticed. Those writers are also only human, and can also forget to write those down.... where Eva's father and mother were married? Or was that a problem that you dont know her parent's?
Korpua! Is it in Pudasjärvi village?
Korpua is also a house in Kuusamo
Lives also Johan Henrik and wife Hedvig also some of childrens
Then next churchbook Korpua where they still lives
there is Eva Stina ( aka Eva Christina) b. 26.10.1846
I think this i Kallungi means something else than birthplace.
Korpua is a place around Korpuajärvi (järvi means lake) in southern Kuusamo. Roughly 20-30km to south-west from Kuusamo town.
hello, where can I find papers from confirmation? Is the papers on internet?
Regards, B.Erik
I find a lot of papers for Kuusamo, but where can I find papers for church confirmation? usually the confirmation happpens when the people around 15 years.
Here is Kuusamo papers
This is Kuusamo's confirmation list;
Thanks, what is the finnish name for confirmation? And can anyone find Eva Stina Korpua in this papers born 1845 or 1846?
Thanks, what is the finnish name for confirmation?
The Finnish name is "rippi" or "ripillepääsy". But if you are seeking for someone who was confirmed in 1845, you should rather know what the word is in Swedish, because the Finnish church books were written in Swedish until end of 19th century. In Swedish it is "konfirmation" or "konfirmerad". In the link that Ben-Eric gave you, you could find Eva Stina under "rippilapset". That word is in Finnish, but the original books are written in Swedish. In Swedish "rippilapset" is "skriftebarn". They could also be admitted, which is written in the books with the Swedish word "admitterad".
Jouni Kaleva
16.05.11, 16:59
Thanks, what is the finnish name for confirmation? And can anyone find Eva Stina Korpua in this papers born 1845 or 1846?
Confirmation = konfirmaatio.
In everyday language we use the word rippi, which actually signifies communion. After the confirmation, one is eligible for communion. Thus communion book = rippi-kirja (kirja = book).
Ulla Kota-aho
16.05.11, 20:51
I think here, year 1860
Eva Korpua
Thank for all the information. The last with Eva confirmation in 1860 is right person, but when I look at born in kuusamo in 1845 I cant find her. Her parents Johan Korpua and Hedvig (Veteläinen) get children before and after Eva in Kuusamo, but Eva is not in born papers. Can anyone explain that? Could she be written somewehere else?
18.05.11, 08:18
Hedvig has born 1842, not 1845. :)
Syntynyt Kastettu Kylä Talo Isä Äiti Lapsi ( 1.10.1842 Bs. Johan Korpua Hedvig Hedvig
Hedvig has born 1842, not 1845. :)
Syntynyt Kastettu Kylä Talo Isä Äiti Lapsi ( 1.10.1842 Bs. Johan Korpua Hedvig Hedvig
The question was made about Eva Stina Korpua born 1845, not Hedvig. Hedvig must be Eva's elder sister.
Jouni Kaleva
18.05.11, 16:33
Thank for all the information. The last with Eva confirmation in 1860 is right person, but when I look at born in kuusamo in 1845 I cant find her. Her parents Johan Korpua and Hedvig (Veteläinen) get children before and after Eva in Kuusamo, but Eva is not in born papers. Can anyone explain that? Could she be written somewehere else?
To find the complete family, you´ll have to look into the communion books.
This example covers 1850-56. here we can see Eva, born 26.10.1846 "å Kallungi" which I intepret as a village by that name in Kuusamo.
The date of birth as such is not 100% sure, unless supported by other data elsewhere.
Here is Eva Stina again in 1843-1849 communion book, with the same birth date as in Jouni's link.
Jouni Kaleva
18.05.11, 16:51
Here is Eva Stina again, with the same birth date as in Jouni's link.
Yes. And does it look like it was originally "1845" and then overwritten as "1846"??
18.05.11, 18:40
once again :). rp 1857-1866. Eva has new birhtday...
yes, i am looking for Eva, Hedvigs sister. Both the younger and older sister I can find, but not Eva. She must be born in 1845 or 1846. But 26.10.1846 must be wrong, because the sister Elsa Maria is born 17.4.1847. That is only 6 months after. And 6.1.1845 must be wrong, because a brother which dies (anders) 4 months old in september 1844. He is born in May of 1844, then it is only 7 months to 6.1.1845.
So maybe the birth should be 26.10.1845 or 6.1.1846.
But again, nothing in papers.
The brother Anders in May 1844 is not in papers either. I can find papers when he dies, but not birth.
Strange, because the other kids is in papers.
19.05.11, 07:35
once again :). rp 1857-1866. Eva has new birhtday...
here Evas birthday 6.8.1845.
And here Eva Johansdotter's birthday is 6.1.1845.
Eva has three different birth dates: 26.10.1846, 6.1.1845, 6.8.1845. And no girl named Eva Stina has been baptized in Kuusamo near these dates. There is something very mysterious with this case. Why does it stand in the communion book 1850-1856 that she is "of Kallungi"? Kallunki seems not to be a village, it is a family name. But no Kallunki-family has a daughter who matches Eva.
And why is her first birth date 26.10.1846? The only girl born in Kuusamo that day is one Caisa Maria born to Daniel Tahkola. Was Eva adopted and her name changed when she moved to her new family? The communion books don't seem to give any answers to these questions.
But, it is not so uncommon that the priest forgot, of some reason, to write up a child's birth to the baptizism books. When I looked at the Kuusamo baptized-books from that time, I realized that they were very messed.
Hello. I have finally found something. A break through. I have always been looking in Kuusamo, but now I have found her in Pudasjarvi.
Can anyone read this? It is not easy. but looks like Eva Stina is born on 10.1.1846. and there is someting written under on the left corner.
I wonder why she was baptized here and the other kids in Kuusamo? Korpua is maybe in Pudasjarvi? How far is it from Pudasjervi to Kuusamo?
This was really fun finally finding her.
Regards, B.Erik
Could it be from Kuusamo ... (fr Ksmo bol af ..)? and rest I cannot read probelly.
Korpua to Kuusamo is about 80 km ( about 1 hour driving by car)
I found her!!!!
But not in Kuusamo, but in Pudasjervi.
Born on 10.1.1846.
There is written something in front, but I cant read it, the hole text is difficult to read. Anyone?
I wonder why she is baptized there. The brother who dies is also baptized here in 1844. Allt he other kids before and after is in Kuusamo. Could they be visiting someone? Travelling? All other information is in Kuuasmo papers.
Eva Stina's parents are married in Kuusamo at 12.3.1838, father Johan Henrik Korpua and Hedvig Veteläinen. Johan Henrik is born in Kuusamo at 31st of august 1815. His father is Jacob Korpua and Carin They are Tauriainen family originally as U can see that churcbook.
Guess it is: "fr. Ksamo; Bet afgifvet". From Kuusamo; Child given.
Here you are. Please use this only for guide and check all from the original. I have got these from other genealogist. I havent checked these.
Ancestor table: Tauriainen Jacob * 1736 Kuusamo † 1815
Jacob Tauriainen, Talollinen
Father: Matti Tauriainen (Chart2), Mother: Riitta Leinonen (Chart3)
* 10.12.1736, Kuusamo † 30.05.1815 (78y), Kuusamo
Matti Tauriainen, Talollinen, asui Poussunkylä
Father: Matti Tauriainen (Chart4), Mother: Margareetta Juhontr (Chart5)
* 1699, Kuusamo, Vanttaja 18 † 03.12.1768, Kuusamo, Pousunkylä
Riitta Leinonen (Chart 3)
*1703, Kuusamo, †16.10.1779, Kuusamo, Poussunkylä
1) Margetha Tauriainen *1724, Kuusamo
2) Henrik Tauriainen *1726, Kuusamo
3) Christer Tauriainen *20.07.1727, Kuusamo, †07.10.1777, Kuusamo
4) Johan Tauriainen *23.04.1730, Kuusamo, †25.02.1806, Kuusamo
5) Anna Tauriainen *04.04.1732, Kuusamo
6) Matts Tauriainen *01.09.1734, Kuusamo, †27.03.1797, Kuusamo
7) Jacob Tauriainen *10.12.1736, Kuusamo, †30.05.1815, Kuusamo (Chart 1)
8) Henrik Tauriainen *20.02.1740, Kuusamo, †06.06.1772, Kuusamo
9) Brita Tauriainen *06.08.1743, Kuusamo
Riitta Leinonen, Talollisen vaimo
* 1703, Kuusamo † 16.10.1779, Kuusamo, Poussunkylä
Matti Tauriainen (Chart 2)
*1699, Kuusamo, Vanttaja 18, †03.12.1768, Kuusamo, Pousunkylä
1) Margetha Tauriainen *1724, Kuusamo
2) Henrik Tauriainen *1726, Kuusamo
3) Christer Tauriainen *20.07.1727, Kuusamo, †07.10.1777, Kuusamo
4) Johan Tauriainen *23.04.1730, Kuusamo, †25.02.1806, Kuusamo
5) Anna Tauriainen *04.04.1732, Kuusamo
6) Matts Tauriainen *01.09.1734, Kuusamo, †27.03.1797, Kuusamo
7) Jacob Tauriainen *10.12.1736, Kuusamo, †30.05.1815, Kuusamo (Chart 1)
8) Henrik Tauriainen *20.02.1740, Kuusamo, †06.06.1772, Kuusamo
9) Brita Tauriainen *06.08.1743, Kuusamo
f f
Matti Tauriainen, Talollinen, asui asui Vanttaja 18 Pudasjärvi
Father: Lauri Tauriainen (Chart6), Mother: Riitta (Chart7)
* 1661, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Pisto † 1720, Kuusamo, Poussu
Margareetta Juhontr (Tauriainen) married ~1687 (Chart 5)
*1662, Paltamo, †28.02.1742, Kuusamo
1) Juho Tauriainen *1688, Paltamo, †28.08.1759, Kuusamo
2) Lauri Tauriainen *1692, Kuusamo, †19.06.1755, Kuusamo
3) Matti Tauriainen *1699, Kuusamo, Vanttaja 18, †03.12.1768, Kuusamo, Pousunkylä (Chart 2)
4) Heikki Tauriainen *1705, Kuusamo, Vanttaja 18
f m
Margareetta Juhontr (Tauriainen), Talollisen vaimo
* 1662, Paltamo † 28.02.1742, Kuusamo
Matti Tauriainen married ~1687 (Chart 4)
*1661, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Pisto, †1720, Kuusamo, Poussu
1) Juho Tauriainen *1688, Paltamo, †28.08.1759, Kuusamo
2) Lauri Tauriainen *1692, Kuusamo, †19.06.1755, Kuusamo
3) Matti Tauriainen *1699, Kuusamo, Vanttaja 18, †03.12.1768, Kuusamo, Pousunkylä (Chart 2)
4) Heikki Tauriainen *1705, Kuusamo, Vanttaja 18
f f f
Lauri Tauriainen, Talokas, asui Poussunkylän Vanttajan talossa joka oli 5/16 manttaalin talo
Father: Lauri Tauriainen (Chart8), Mother: NN Klemetintr Heinonen (Chart9)
* 1640, Paltamo, Kianta, Peranka † 01.06.1710, Pudasjärvi, Kuusamo, Tavajärvi
Riitta married ~1660 Suomussalmi (Chart 7)
*1640, Pudasjärvi, †1710, noin
1) Matti Tauriainen *1661, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Pisto, †1720, Kuusamo, Poussu (Chart 4)
2) Risto Tauriainen *1665, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Pisto, †17.04.1734, Kuusamo, Juuma
3) Lauri Tauriainen *1670, Suomussalmi, Kianta,Pisto, †1725, Kuusamo, Tavajärvi
4) Dorde Tauriainen *07.07.1678, Suomussalmi, Peranka, †08.10.1768, Kuusamo, Poussu
f f m
* 1640, Pudasjärvi † 1710, noin
Lauri Tauriainen married ~1660 Suomussalmi (Chart 6)
*1640, Paltamo, Kianta, Peranka, †01.06.1710, Pudasjärvi, Kuusamo, Tavajärvi
1) Matti Tauriainen *1661, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Pisto, †1720, Kuusamo, Poussu (Chart 4)
2) Risto Tauriainen *1665, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Pisto, †17.04.1734, Kuusamo, Juuma
3) Lauri Tauriainen *1670, Suomussalmi, Kianta,Pisto, †1725, Kuusamo, Tavajärvi
4) Dorde Tauriainen *07.07.1678, Suomussalmi, Peranka, †08.10.1768, Kuusamo, Poussu
f f f f
Lauri Tauriainen, Talollinen
Father: Lauri Niilonpoika Tauriainen (Chart10), Mother: NN (Chart11)
* 1621, Paltamo † 1682, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Pisto
asui Perankajärven rannalla Peranka -nimisessä talossa, josta muutti Pudasjärven Vanttajan kylään joka kuntajaon jälkeen jäi Kuusamon puolelle
NN Klemetintr Heinonen married ~1640 Suomussalmi (Chart 9)
*1620, Kainuu, †1680, Suomussalmi
1) Lauri Tauriainen *1640, Paltamo, Kianta, Peranka, †01.06.1710, Pudasjärvi, Kuusamo, Tavajärvi (Chart 6)
2) Matti Tauriainen *1642, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka, †1692, Pudasjärvi
3) Pekka Tauriainen *1648, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka, †1710, Suomussalmi
4) Tuomas Tauriainen *1655, Suomussalmi, Peranka
5) Risto Tauriainen *1655, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka, †1720, Pudasjärvi?
6) Antti Tauriainen *1658, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka, †1710, Suomussalmi
7) Klemetti Tauriainen *1660, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka, †1720, Utajärvi
8) Margareetta Tauriainen *1662, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka, †28.02.1742, Kuusamo
9) Juho Tauriainen *1665, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka, †1705, Suomussalmi
f f f m
NN Klemetintr Heinonen
* 1620, Kainuu † 1680, Suomussalmi
Lauri Tauriainen married ~1640 Suomussalmi (Chart 8)
*1621, Paltamo, †1682, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Pisto
1) Lauri Tauriainen *1640, Paltamo, Kianta, Peranka, †01.06.1710, Pudasjärvi, Kuusamo, Tavajärvi (Chart 6)
2) Matti Tauriainen *1642, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka, †1692, Pudasjärvi
3) Pekka Tauriainen *1648, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka, †1710, Suomussalmi
4) Tuomas Tauriainen *1655, Suomussalmi, Peranka
5) Risto Tauriainen *1655, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka, †1720, Pudasjärvi?
6) Antti Tauriainen *1658, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka, †1710, Suomussalmi
7) Klemetti Tauriainen *1660, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka, †1720, Utajärvi
8) Margareetta Tauriainen *1662, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka, †28.02.1742, Kuusamo
9) Juho Tauriainen *1665, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka, †1705, Suomussalmi
f f f f f
Lauri Niilonpoika Tauriainen
Father: Niilo Tauriainen (Chart12)
* 1590, Häme-Satakunta † 1653, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka
NN (Tauriainen) (Chart 11)
*1590, †1650, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka
1) Niilo Tauriainen *1620, Häme-Satakunta, †1687, Suomussalmi
2) Lauri Tauriainen *1621, Paltamo, †1682, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Pisto (Chart 8)
3) Antti Tauriainen *1630, Häme-Satakunta, †1697, Suomussalmi
4) Matti Tauriainen *1632, Häme-Satakunta, †1677, Suomussalmi
f f f f m
NN (Tauriainen)
* 1590 † 1650, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka
Lauri Niilonpoika Tauriainen (Chart 10)
*1590, Häme-Satakunta, †1653, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka
1) Niilo Tauriainen *1620, Häme-Satakunta, †1687, Suomussalmi
2) Lauri Tauriainen *1621, Paltamo, †1682, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Pisto (Chart 8)
3) Antti Tauriainen *1630, Häme-Satakunta, †1697, Suomussalmi
4) Matti Tauriainen *1632, Häme-Satakunta, †1677, Suomussalmi
f f f f f f
Niilo Tauriainen
* 1500, -Luvulla
1) Lauri Tauriainen *1590, Häme-Satakunta, †1653, Suomussalmi, Kianta, Peranka (Chart 10)
Jouni Kaleva
20.02.12, 19:05
I found her!!!!
But not in Kuusamo, but in Pudasjervi.
Born on 10.1.1846.
There is written something in front, but I cant read it, the hole text is difficult to read. Anyone?
I wonder why she is baptized there. The brother who dies is also baptized here in 1844. Allt he other kids before and after is in Kuusamo. Could they be visiting someone? Travelling? All other information is in Kuuasmo papers.
I think it reads on the marginal: "fr. K/mo Bd afgifver" meaning : from Kuusamo, as stated by the farmer (Bonden).
Looks like the child was first baptized at home (nödd.) on Jan 12 and then confirmed on Feb 3. by the vicar Lithovius.
We would have to take a look at the map: perhaps it was easier to reach Pudasjärvi than Kuusamo church, at the time, in midwinter?
why this conversation is in 2 different place in this forum?
Jouni Kaleva
20.02.12, 19:19
why this conversation is in 2 different place in this forum?
Same person, form different angles, it looks. Should I merge these two threads?
Jouni Kaleva
20.02.12, 19:21
I think it reads on the marginal: "fr. K/mo Bd afgifver" meaning : from Kuusamo, as stated by the farmer (Bonden).
Looks like the child was first baptized at home (nödd.) on Jan 12 and then confirmed on Feb 3. by the vicar Lithovius.
We would have to take a look at the map: perhaps it was easier to reach Pudasjärvi than Kuusamo church, at the time, in midwinter?
Does it read "conf. 3/2 af J.P. Lithovius"?
There was Johan Peter Lithovius, who serving 1842-50 as a "katekeetta" (preliminay teacher of Christianity) in Jokijärvi (= later Taivalkoski) which is between Pudasjärvi and Kuusamo.
I think it's very difficult to follow up 2 treads of same issue.
Yes i think there reads that way about Lithovius.
Sorry, my mistake. This started as a generel question for Church confirmation. Now they discuss the same person. Eva.
Does it read "conf. 3/2 af J.P. Lithovius"?
There was Johan Peter Lithovius, who serving 1842-50 as a "katekeetta" (preliminay teacher of Christianity) in Jokijärvi (= later Taivalkoski) which is between Pudasjärvi and Kuusamo.
Do you think he did the baptizing at home or nearby and just wrote it in Pudasjærvi papers? Because of winter I guess.
Same person, form different angles, it looks. Should I merge these two threads?
Could you merge the threads?
This is same person now.
Wow, this was interesting.
Is the Tauriainen a big family or well known family?
Jouni Kaleva
20.02.12, 20:58
Could you merge the threads?
This is same person now.
Merging done :)
Jouni Kaleva
20.02.12, 21:02
Guess it is: "fr. Ksamo; Bet afgifvet". From Kuusamo; Child given.
This looks right, meaning: from Kuusamo, certificate given.
Jouni Kaleva
20.02.12, 21:08
Do you think he did the baptizing at home or nearby and just wrote it in Pudasjærvi papers? Because of winter I guess.
Maybe baptized at home, or maybe there was, already a chapel in Jokijärvi, which was easier to reach for the parents. than Kuusamo church. People would mostly travel in sledges drawn by reindeer. Either way, it was later recorded in the Pudasjärvi books.
This was an interesting evening. Now I have started looking at map and Korpua is a very little place around 45 km from Kuusamo. It is not a city, just a place. Korpua is part of Kuusamo county. I guess they lived there and that is why they called themselves Korpua.
Korpua is 35 km from Taivalkoski where Johan Peter Lithovius was living. Taivalkoski was closer, but did not have church until 1850, så the church for Taivalkoski was in Pudasjärvi. It was winter. Closer to contact Johan Peter Lithovius in Taivalkoski, which gave the information to Pudasjärvi and not Kuusamo. It all makes sense. What do you think? How many people live in Korpua today?
Thank you all for the help.
Jouni Kaleva
21.02.12, 18:12
This was an interesting evening. Now I have started looking at map and Korpua is a very little place around 45 km from Kuusamo. It is not a city, just a place. Korpua is part of Kuusamo county. I guess they lived there and that is why they called themselves Korpua.
Korpua is 35 km from Taivalkoski where Johan Peter Lithovius was living. Taivalkoski was closer, but did not have church until 1850, så the church for Taivalkoski was in Pudasjärvi. It was winter. Closer to contact Johan Peter Lithovius in Taivalkoski, which gave the information to Pudasjärvi and not Kuusamo. It all makes sense. What do you think? How many people live in Korpua today?
Thank you all for the help.
And more: teacher Lithovius was placed in a village called Jokijärvi. It is situated only some 15 km due south from Korpua, Kuusamo!
And more: teacher Lithovius was placed in a village called Jokijärvi. It is situated only some 15 km due south from Korpua, Kuusamo!
I thought Jokijärvi = Taivalkoski but this is wrong then? It looks like Jokijärvi is an island south-west of Korpua
I thought Jokijärvi = Taivalkoski but this is wrong then? It looks like Jokijärvi is an island south-west of Korpua
Jokijärvi (literally Riverlake) is a village in Taivalkoski. You can find it on a map:
Jouni Kaleva
22.02.12, 18:13
I thought Jokijärvi = Taivalkoski but this is wrong then? It looks like Jokijärvi is an island south-west of Korpua
I have a faint idea, that Jokijärvi earlier was maybe the largest settlement on the area (excellent grounds for fishing, hunting, reindeer husbandry, traffic etc.), before the Taivalkoski chapel and later municipality were founded. So nowadays, Jokijärvi is a village belonging to Taivalkoski municipality ("kommun").
Thank you for all the help. I have found out that Eva dies in Vardø in Norway 13.June 1931. Interesting to find out so much about her.
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