Arkistonäkymässä ei tällä hetkellä lainaus erotu varsinaisesta viestistä. Suosittelemme että vilkaisette ns. täydellistä versiota: : Lappalainen
I am trying to research my mothers family in Finland. Her maiden name was Lappalainen and she was born in Viipouri (Viipuri?) Karelen. Her father was Taavetti Lappalainen and her mothers name was Bertta. Taavetti was born in 1909 (I think) and died in 1977. She had four sisters and two brothers. During the war she was sent to Sweden with another sister ('Krigsbarn'). After the war the family settled in Koupio.
Taavetti later remarried to a lady named Helka and they had more children.
I have more information on names and dates. But if anyone thinks they recognise the information above, then I would really like to hear from you.
All the best
Jag försöker att forska min mammas familj i Finland. Hennes flicknamn var Lappalainen och hon föddes i Viipouri (Viborg?) Karelen. Hennes far var Taavetti Lappalainen och hennes mamma hette Bertta. Taavetti föddes i 1909 (tror jag) och dog 1977. Min mor hade fyra systrar och två bröder. Under kriget skickades hon till Sverige med en annan syster ("Krigsbarn"). Efter kriget familjen bosatte sig i Koupio.
Taavetti omgifte senare till en dam som heter Helka och de hade fler barn.
Jag har mer information om namn och datum. Men om någon tycker att de känner igen ovanstående information, då skulle jag verkligen vilja höra från dig.
Antti Järvenpää
08.11.10, 13:38
I think, that most understand your answer, but our personal register law prohibit to manage the living people personal data in the internet, and normally there is no access under 100 years old register. So your answer is pretty problematical. In any case, I translate your answer, if someone understand it better in that way.
I see, that your mothers parents been Taavetti (b.c.1909 d.1977) and Bertta Lappalainen. They lived first in the City of Viipuri area and moved later to the City of Kuopio, where your grandfather got second marriage with lady named Helka.
I assume, that you know your uncles, aunts and cousins names, but you want to know, if someone know something more about your grand parents background. Is that correct?
Eli Ken Australiasta etsii esivanhempiaan. Hänen äitinsä on ollut sotalapsena Ruotsissa, ja äidin vanhemmat ovat Taavetti (s.n.1909 k.1977) ja Bertta Lappalainen ja he ovat ainakin äidin syntyessä asuneet Viipurissa ja ilmeisesti sodan jälkeen Kuopiossa, jossa Taavetti on avioitunut toisen kerran Helka nimisen naisen kanssa.
Jos siis joku tunnistaa nämä henkilöt, Ken toivoisi, että häneen oltaisiin yhteydessä. Hänellä on lisää nimiä ja päivänmääriä, mutta hän ei oletettavasti halua laittaa niitä nettiin esille. Kysymyksestä päätellen Ken hallitsee ruotsia ja englantia. Tarkastin myös, että hänelle voi lähettää yksityispostia, joka lienee paras menettely tässä, koska tiedot ovat aika tuoreita, joskin isoisä on jo kuollut.
Thank you so much for your help!
Yes, to confirm, I am trying to learn more about my grandparents background -their parents and any bothers and sisters, etc.
Also Bertta's maiden name was Bertta Ingrid Ranta.
Again, thank you for taking the time to assist with a translation. Very kind of you.
Ken Andersson
Antti Järvenpää
09.11.10, 15:54
Oletettavasti tämä Taavetti Lappalainen oli rintamamies. Itselläni ei ole osaakaan Suomen Rintamamiehet 1939-45 matrikkelia. Jos jollakin olisi, voisi siitä olla apua Ken Anderssonille.
Taavetti Lappalainen probably was veteran of second World War. I don't have any volume of the "Suomen Rintamamiehet 1939-45" (Finland veterans 1939-45 matrikel) book. If someone happen to have right volume, it might help Ken Andersson.
Thank's again Antti - I am very grateful for your efforts to assist.
Hi there
It appears I may have had some incorrect information on my grandfather. Here is an update on the information I now have available (note: all information to be confirmed for accuracy):
Grandfather: Laappalainen, Taavetti Aaronpoika: 14/07/1896 - 09/12/1964
Grandmother: Ranta, Bertta Ingrid: ??/??/?? - 11/07/1945
Great Grandfather: Lappalainen, Aaro Antinpoika: 14/03/1828 - 25/11/1906
Great Grandmother: Laukkanen, Lovisa Ollintär:27/04/1853 - 03/08/1919
Great Great Grandfather: Lappalainen, Antti Antinpojka: 12/03/1793 - 10/10/1858
Great Great Grandmother: Korhonen, Anna Stina Pekantytär: ??/??/1798 - 15/03/1875
If anyone is able to recognise the above information, then I would be greatful to hear from you. I am particularly interested in finding any new threads in associated with my great great grandfather or grandmother. Also I have very little information on my grandmothers family Ranta.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Tapani Kovalaine
11.11.10, 14:44
Great Great Grandmother: Korhonen, Anna Stina Pekantytär: ??/??/1798 - 15/03/1875 Ken
Anna Stina Korhonen: ( 1.7.1798 Rytky Pehr P. Korhoin Susanna Korhoin Anna Stina
Pehr Pehrss Korhonen: ( 15.2.1770 Rytcy B. Per Korhoin Christ. Vänätär Petrus
Pehr Johanss Korhonen: ( 16.2.1735 Rytky Joh. Kårhoin Lisa Heikitär Pehr ( 17.2.1734 Rytky Joh. Pehrss. Kårhoin Lisa Pehrsdr. Heikit. Peloniemi
Antti Järvenpää
11.11.10, 15:07
You should try Finland's Family history Association's website
First, choose Church Records and then Kuopion tuomiokirkkosrk. You end up to a page where you can find the confession books (rippikirjat). Next, choose years 1823-1836 and picture 372 (Kuva 372), and then you should arrive to the page of Julkula Lappalain.
Link to the page
From the top of column bonde-Namn:
Anders Lappalain b. 1756 ……. your great great great grandfather
hu. Ingeborg Skopia b. 1767……your great great great grandmother
Anders. son b. 1793 ……. your great great grandfather
hu. Anna Stina Korhoin b.1798 …….. ……. your great great grandmother
You can check these from Hiski
These are only examples of the sources that you can use and therefore find more about your roots. So, I don't want to steal more of your detection joy, have fun!
Tapani and Antti
you have both been very helpful - I am really greatful.
Yes, the clues you have given me will keep me busy for a while!
I have just joind the FFHA and I will look foward to exploring that.
All the best Ken.
Tapani Kovalaine
12.11.10, 21:30
Ryttky 5
N:o 5 f.d. 2 (f.d. means that former number was 2)
I hope that Google translation program can translate to Ken, what means the name of estate Rääpysrytkynranda, where lived Anders Lappalainens family in a year 1837. :) :) :) Is it: little fishes are shaking on the shore?
That is funny! But is that a place? Tried googling the location but came up with zero ..... not even little fishes! Found Mömmölä in south west of Finland though.
Again, thank for the tip.
Have a good weekend.
Tapani Kovalaine
13.11.10, 09:01
That is funny! But is that a place? Tried googling the location but came up with zero ..... not even little fishes! Found Mömmölä in south west of Finland though. - Again, thank for the tip.
Have a good weekend.Ken
In the middle of map near Kuopio city sites: Rytkyrannantie (= avenue) and Rytky Lake.
I suppose that there were many houses in the area of Estate Mömmölä (number 5) and one of them was named Rääpysrytkynranda (perhaps via Rytkrannantie?). (Rääpys is a fish near bottom, in deep water... rytky is shaking... randa is shore...)
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