Arkistonäkymässä ei tällä hetkellä lainaus erotu varsinaisesta viestistä. Suosittelemme että vilkaisette ns. täydellistä versiota: : Need your help with Hiski.
Good evening! I'm a new member and I don't understand any details of Hiski search ( Because I don't speak finnish and english very well, I have to use google translator and it translates not so good. I hope you can help me...
I have some questions:
1. What means "ALKUPKOMM" and "TALLKOMM" in the "Buried list"? For example:
alkup - TALLKOMM: och tvill brod. ( 3.7.1836 Härkälä Salomon Larss. Leminen
2. "Cause of death" - hits.f., svullen, k.hosta, vattus, stenkopp. kallbr. and others - it's swedish medical terms? Could you please translate these words?
3. Why there are not any information after 1857 in Hiski Project and where can I find this information?
Thank you for any help!
Och tvilling broder = и брат-близнец
svullen = набухший, опухшие
kikhosta = коклюш, кашель...
Google translator :D:
HisKi program is a database under construction and not at all ready, yet. The search engine is a good one. But to be sure of the information, you have to study the original data. The old info is written i swedish that's not very easy to understand.
Regards, K-Erik
Alkup kom = Первоначалный. Tall kom = Коммент вклдчика.
С Приветом L
Hiski was originally based on handwritten copies from original records, which were made quite a long time ago. For privacy reasons only records about 100 years old were taken. Hiski is now growing with records untill 100 years back from this time, but they are made only partly yet.
From quite many parishes you will find pictures of original records at
Thank you for answers and help!
Skoykka, I already translated simple words like "svullen" or "gulsot", but I have problems with words like "messl." or "hets.f." (don't know how to say it in english...hmmm...vähentäminen:))
K-Erik, yes, I think old swedish archives - is too difficult to me))
Lukkari, thank you for translate!:)
Harrysme, thank you for link, maybe it's help me very much!:)
Use this site for direct translations (svenska > english).
It does not have "hets.f." which is short form for "hetsig feber" or "hitsig feber", something like "virulent fever", a disease that developed high body temperatures. In Finnish it is named "burning fever" for the same reason.
Probably it covers any disease that developed a high fever.
Messl. stands for "messling", ie. measles.
Another useful site:
Thank you for answers and help!
Skoykka, I already translated simple words like "svullen" or "gulsot", but I have problems with words like "messl." or "hets.f." (don't know how to say it in english...hmmm...vähentäminen:))
mässling = корь,
hetsig feber = тяжелой лихорадкой,
EDIT: Sorry, I see skoykka posted it already!
EDIT: Sorry, I see skoykka posted it already!
However, thank you for answer in my thread!
Valerian kysymys on niin arkaluontoinen, ettei hän ole uskaltanut sitä tänne edes kirjoittaa. Hän ei etsi omaa sukuaan, vaan niitä Uukuniemen Lemisiä, joiden talossa hänen oma perheensä on asunut. Valeria pelkää, että karjalaiset suhtautuvat ennakkoluuloisesti venäläisiin, jotka aikoinaan veivät heidän maansa. Tämä asia ei tietenkään kuulu tälle palstalle, mutta jos jollakin sattuu olemaan tietoa, jota Valeria kaipaa, niin voi lähettää yksityispostia.
Kuinkahan paljon hän tietää ? Henkikirjat Kansallisarkistossa kertosivat aika paljon, jos riittävä lähtötieto on olemassa.
Tuulikki Hakkarainen
06.02.11, 11:38
Hello Valerie! What is you connection to Leminen family in Härkälä? Are you related?
:) Tuulikki
Tuulikki Hakkarainen
20.02.11, 19:58
Hello Valeria! You have now too many private messages. You can have only 25 messages. Tuulikki :)
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