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Arkistonäkymässä ei tällä hetkellä lainaus erotu varsinaisesta viestistä. Suosittelemme että vilkaisette ns. täydellistä versiota: : Pumpanen 1660-1730

23.03.10, 18:53
The sami family Pumpanen from Vaalajärvi in Sodankylä have until today been most known through Erik Andersson Pumpanen as his decendants have been written about in Erik Schytte Blix; " Nesseby- og Polmakslekter" (1967) and Paula Alajärvi; "Vaalajärvi - metsälappalaisten Pumpanen" (2006).

Erkki Koivisto have these children of Anders Pumpanen : Erik, k. 1744 and Johan. That is Erik Andersson Pumpanen and Johan Andersson Pumpanen. Kaisa Korpijaakko ["Samerna och Jordäganderätten" vol 1 - (1985)] mentione a dispute about fisheries in Vaalajärvi back in 1706 where the Bombain siblings was said to be : Päive, Pär, Johan, Erik and Anna. Paula Alajärvi mention the same dispute and the Pumpanen siblings as Korpijaakko have.

After studying the tax records for Sodankylä 1667-1730 it is possible to find yet another brother of the Pumpanen siblings. That is Ifwar. Ifwar Andersson was mentioned first time in the tax records 1682-1688, 1690, 1692 and 1693 when it says he was poor. He is not in the records 1694-1699. But Ifwar Andersson Pomba (Pombaj, Pombain) is back in 1701 and 1703-1704. We can also find him in 1702, 1703 and 1704. He is still mentioned in the 1711, but there is a note that he died in 1705.

Another interesting question is what the Pumbanen siblings fathers name was. Päive Andersson was, according to the dispute from 1706, brother of Erik Andersson Bombain. In the tax records from 1667-1730 there is not many persons called Paiwe as first - or as surname. But there are a few which probably are connected to each other.

If we look at the tax record for Sodankylä 1643 there is several more using that name. Examples are Peifur Jonsson(?), Måÿa Peifursson, Pedher Peifursson, Peder Peifursson, Peifur Sorfusson, Peifur Mårtensson(?). All together they was 25 men for Sådan kÿlä in 1643 tax record.

In the record for 1667 there is Anders Peiwesson. He is mentioned these years : 1667, 1669, 1671, 1674, 1678, 1680-1688. In 1688 there is a note saying that he was dead.

From 1667 we do also find Peder Peiwesson. He is mentioned these years: 1667, 1669, 1671, 1674. There is no other than Anders Peiwesson and Peder Peiwesson that is called Peiwesson as surname in Sodankylä tax records in this period. They could obviously be brothers.

From 1671 we find Peiwe Andersson in the records. He is mentioned : 1671, 1674, 1678, 1680-1688, 1690, 1692-1695. In 1695 he was "Länsman". But the same year there also are mentioned "Länsman" Pär Andersson and a third Per Andersson in the same tax record. The one who is "lânsman" probably is the same person Peiwe or Per Andersson, but the first name is changed from Peiwe to Pär.
In 1696 and 1697 Pär Andersson is still "länsman" according to the records. Pär Andersson is mentioned in 1698 and in 1699 where he is called old Per Andersson Pomba.

It is easy to be confused about old Peiwe or Per Andersson and a younger Per Andersson already from 1687 record. In the period 1687-1694 it is easy because we have Peiwe Andersson and young Per Andersson until 1695 when "Länsman" Pär Andersson and "Länsman" Peiwe Andersson are mentioned in the same tax record as a "third" Per Andersson. I think "Länsman" Per and Peiwe is the same person. The third Per Andersson is the youngest one mentioned already in 1687. From 1696 to 1998 there is a "normal" situation again with only two and that is "Länsman" Per Andersson and the younger Per Andersson. Then in 1699 there is only old Per Andersson Pombio. But thereafter we have :

old Per Anderss. Pombain
young Per Anderss. Pombain

old Pär And: Pombaj
young Pär Andersson

old Pär Andersson
young Pär Andersson

old Per Andersson Pombain in wallajerfi young Per Andersson.

old Pehr Andersson Pombain in wallajerf
young Pehr Andersson ibidem

Neither of them are not mentioned anymore in the records for 1720 and 1730.

A complete list where the surname Pumpanen is used in one or another form for all the brothers we find in 1701 :
old Per Anderss. Pombajn [My comm.: this is Peiwe]
young Per Anderss. Pombain
Johan Andersson Pomb:
Erich Andersson Pombain
Ifwar Andersson PombaBased on what is mentioned above it is tempting to put together this family three for the earliest Pumpanen family :

I. Anders Peiwesson, k. 1688, [mant. 1667, 1669, 1671, 1674, 1678, 1680-1688.]. He probably had a brother called Peder Peiwesson,[mant. 1667, 1669, 1671 and 1674]. Children of Anders Peiwesson :

A. Peiwe Andersson Pumpanen, [mant. 1671, 1674, 1678, 1680, 1680-1688, 1690, 1692-1696 and with firstname Pär from 1997-1999, 1701-1704 and 1711][Länsman 1995-1997].
B. Ifwar Andersson Pumpanen, k. 1705, [mant. 1682-1688, 1690, 1692-1693, 1701-1704 and 1711 where there is a note that he died in 1705].
C. Per Andersson Pumpanen (young), [mant. 1687-1688, 1690, 1692-1698, not in 1699. But from 1701-1704 and 1711].
D. Erik Andersson Pumpanen, k. 1744-1746,[mant. 1692-1699, 1701-1704, 1711, 1720 as Erik Pombai and can not find him in 1730 as it seems like his son Erik Eriksson is there instead], [Erik Andersson Pumbanen was "Länsman" 1703-1704 based on available tax records, but also 1706 based on Fellman. In 1703 there is a note saying "1703 blifwit Länssmann i Mårten Jacobssons ställe"].
E. Johan Andersson Pumpanen, [mant. 1692-1699, 1701-1704, 1711 and 1720 where it says that he was very poor. He is not mentioned in 1730].
F. Anna Andersdotter Pumpanen,(married to John Pehrsson, k. 1710 in addition to a note in 1711 tax record).

It is pity that we do not have the possibility to compare the tax records for Sodankylä with "Jordebok" for Kemi Lappmark, but "Jordebok" seems to be missing for this period. The earliest one available is 1695.

There may have been more Pumbanen siblings, but it is hard to draw a conclusion based on the sources i have used.

Any other informations, comments or questions are much appreciated as this is theory based on deficient sources.


30.05.17, 22:17
Seems like Hannu Pehrsson Pumpanen from Sodankylä married Elin Eliasdtr. Mujo in Inari 23.01.1732. She then moved to Sodankylä 1733 and settled down with her husbands family.

This is most likely son of above mentioned A. Peiwe (Pehr) Andersson Pumpanen (the old) or C. Per Andersson Pumpanen (the young).

On page 2 in the link below Hans Pehrsson Pumpanen married Elin Eliasdtr. Mujo. Further Erik Eriksson Pumpanen married Margeta Mattsdtr. Sajetz :

Erik Eriksson Pumpanen's father was Erik Andersson Pumpanen which also was Hannu's uncle.

In Sodankylä rippikirja 1731-49 we find Hannu Päiwiö (= Hannu Pehrsson Pumpanen) under Pumpanen with his mother, two sisters and his wife Elin.

Is there anyone who knows about descendants of Hannu Pekkanpoika Pumpanen (Pïviö) and Elin Eliasdtr. Mujo in Sodankylä ?